Looking Back at Our Bookhauls | April 2023

It’s that time of the month where we look back to see if we’re actually reading the books we add to our shelves! This is always an interesting post and kind of scary to be honest, haha. Today’s looking back at our bookhauls is all about April 2023. What did we add to our shelves that month? What did we read? Keep on reading to find out!

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Looking Back at Our Bookhauls| April 2022

It’s that time a month again where we take a look at our bookhauls from a year ago to see if we actually read what we add to our shelves. This is a goal we both really want to work on, so it’s always interesting and scary to see how we do, haha. This month we’re taking a look at our April 2022 bookhaul! Keep on reading for this month’s Looking Back at Our Bookhauls.

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Looking Back at Our Bookhauls| April 2021

It’s that time of month again that we take a look back at our bookhaul from last year to see if we read what we add to our shelves. We hope to keep ourselves motivated to pick up the books we buy or receive. Some months go better than the others, haha.

This month we’re looking back at our bookhaul from April 2021. How did we do? Keep on reading to find out!

Continue reading “Looking Back at Our Bookhauls| April 2021”