5 On My TBR | Need a BUDDY for this READ

As we’ve mentioned before, one of our most important reading goals of is shrinking our physical TBR’s. Sometimes it’s hard to think of what books we still have or what subjects to read about. So we needed a way to keep track of this. 5 On My TBR is a way of keeping track. This is a meme hosted by E from Local Bee Hunter’s Nook. Every week there’s a different prompt for five on my TBR.

This week’s topic is Need a BUDDY for this READ. I really like this topic, there are a ton of books I could use a buddy for haha. It can be so helpful to do a buddyread to actually pick up a book. Let’s see which 5 books I would like a buddyread for right away! Continue reading “5 On My TBR | Need a BUDDY for this READ”

Buddy Review | Queen of Air and Darkness – Cassandra Clare

Surrounding the release of Queen of Air and Darkness by Cassandra Clare we did a whole week with reviews and Shadowhunter related posts. We shared our reviews for Lady Midnight and Lord of Shadows and now we finally BOTH ( 😉 ) have finished Queen of Air and Darkness we can share this review as well! There will be spoilers for the first two books so proceed with caution! Please don’t read ahead if you haven’t read LoS yet because you WILL be spoiled and you will not be happy about it 😉 Continue reading “Buddy Review | Queen of Air and Darkness – Cassandra Clare”

Buddy Review| The Beauty of Darkness – Mary E. Pearson

We reviewed The Heart of Betrayal not too long ago, so we decided the last book needed to be read soon after that. After having quite a lot of time between the first two books, it’s easy to forget things. This is the last book and we didn’t want that to happen again.

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Buddy Review| The Heart of Betrayal – Mary E. Pearson

Today we’re back with a review of one of our buddyreads. Both of us read The Kiss of Deception a long time ago, so we both decided we really needed to get to The Heart of Betrayal. Especially because The Kiss of Deception was really good. Keep on reading to see what we thought!
This review contains spoilers for the first book in the Remnant Chronicles, The Kiss of Deception.

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Buddy Review| The Afterlife of Holly Chase – Cynthia Hand

We have two days left of this year, so we decided to give you all one more holiday review. Our buddyread this month was The Afterlife of Holly Chase by Cynthia Hand. A retelling of A Christmas Carol seemed like the perfect choice for December.

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Buddy Review | Warcross – Marie Lu

Both of us were really interested in this book when we heard about it. The UK hardcover was definitely very appealing and when a Facebook group we are in was reading it as the book of the month, we knew we had to read it as well. We were a little late to participate in the group read, but finished it not too long ago.

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Buddy Review|Severance – S.G.D. Singh

After reading the first two books of this amazing series we needed to read the last. Even though we both didn’t want it to end, we needed to know how it ended. Our expectations were high. Did the author meet our expectations?

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Buddy Review| One Dark Throne – Kendare Blake

After both reading Three Dark Crowns and loving it, we knew we both needed to read One Dark Throne. Buddy Reads are a lot of fun and it’s nice to be able to rant about the book you’re reading, haha. To find out what we think about One Dark Throne, keep reading.

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Buddy Review|Trust Me, I’m Lying – Mary Elizabeth Summer

If you have been following us, you would’ve seen that in our bookhaul, we both got this book for a project. While we’re not describing the project yet we wanted to let everyone know what we think of this book. In January the idea of what we are exactly doing will be made clear, so just a little more patience. But first it’s time to let you all know what we thought about this book.

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Buddy Review| They Both Die at the End – Adam Silvera

We have been reading a lot of the same books lately, haha. So once again we have another buddyread for our readers. This time a book that we have both really been interested in since it was released and finally made time to read. Keep reading to find out what we thought about this book!

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