Review| It Will End Like This – Kyra Leigh

It Will End Like This is a book that I was curious about after seeing the cover. Definitely has me asking questions. After reading the summary and realized that inspiration came from the Lizzie Borden story I was intrigued. This month I finally sat down to read this book. Keep on reading to find out more about this book and my thoughts!

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Review| A Study in Charlotte – Brittany Brittany Cavallaro

I don’t know what it is lately, but I’ve really been enjoying mysteries and thrillers. It helps that the ones I’ve read lately have been really good. A few years ago I read the first book in the Charlotte Holmes series, A Study in Charlotte. To finally be able to continue the series I decided to do a reread of the first book. So today I’m going to tell you about this book and what I thought.

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Review| Six Crimson Cranes – Elizabeth Lim

After reading and loving Spin the Dawn I knew I needed Six Crimson Crane when it was announced. Elizabeth Lim has a way with words and I’ve loved her stories so far. I’ve never read the Six Swans, but this being a retelling had me intrigued. This book released last month and I finally had the chance to read it. So today I want to talk about this book and what I thought. Keep on reading to find out more!

A big thanks to the publisher for providing an e-arc on Netgalley to read and review!

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Book Tour| Gold Spun – Brandie June

This week TBR and Beyond Tours is hosting a book tour for Gold Spun by Brandie June. Gold Spun is a Rumpelstiltskin retelling and sounds like a lot of fun. I got to interview this author for this tour and I always love reading more about the author behind the new books I read. So keep on reading for more about Gold Spun and the interview!

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Book Tour| Woods of Silver and Light – Victoria McCombs

As a big fan of retellings when I heard about Woods of Silver and Light I was really curious and had to sign up for the tour hosted by TBR and Beyond Tours. I’ve never read Robin Hood, but I’ve seen a few movies and it’s definitely an interesting story. Woods of Silver and Light is now out in the world, so let’s take a look at what it’s all about.

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Can’t Wait Wednesday | My Contrary Mary – Cynthia Hand, Brodi Ashton & Jodi Meadows

We wanted to do another bookish meme on Wednesday and after doing Can’t Wait Wednesday a few times we decided that would be a fun one to bring around more often! About twice a month you’ll see this meme on our blog.

Can’t-Wait Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Wishful Endings, to spotlight and discuss the books we’re excited about that we have yet to read. Generally they’re books that have yet to be released. It’s based on Waiting on Wednesday, hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine.

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Review| A Curse of Gold – Annie Sullivan

A Touch of Gold was a book I really enjoyed when I read it. A King Midas retelling and that’s something I’ve never read before. Annie Sullivan is back with the second book in this duology. A Curse of Gold is out now and I was able to get an e-ARC on Netgalley to read and review.

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Bookish Item | #FaeFriday #2

I always like trying new things every once in awhile for bookish items. Today I decided to participate during #FaeFriday. This weekly tag was created by Kristy from Caffeinated Fae. Definitely check out her blog, because she’s the sweetest! She decided to create a tag that’s a bit magical and the header was created by her as well. Each Friday has a different prompt, so let’s take look at this week’s topic!

This week on #FaeFriday: We all know those classic fairytales, but sometimes a retelling can blow the classic out of the water. This curious wannabe fae wants to know what are some fairytale retellings that you have enjoyed! I love retellings, so I decided to take a look at what kind of retellings I would like to read. Let’s jump in. Continue reading “Bookish Item | #FaeFriday #2”

Buddy Review| My Calamity Jane – Cynthia Hand, Brodi Ashton & Jodi Meadows

We’re both a big fan of The Lady Janies trilogy and have already read and reviewed My Lady Jane and My Plain Jane. After a long wait, we both finally bought My Calamity Jane! This was an anticipated release for both of us, so we read it almost right away. Today we want to tell you what we thought of the third and final book in this trilogy.

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Review| Girl. Serpent, Thorn – Melissa Bashardoust

Girl, Serpent, Thorn was a book I got awhile ago and have been looking forward to reading it. If I remember correctly, the release date got moved back again, but this week was finally time to see this book in the world! The last month or so I’ve been seeing a lot of positive reviews about this book, so when I started my buddy read. Did Girl, Serpent, Thorn live up to my expectations? Keep on reading to find out!

A big thanks to Hodder & Stoughton for providing me with an ARC on Netgalley to read and review.

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