Can’t Wait Wednesday | The Lost Book of the White – Cassandra Clare & Wesley Chu

We wanted to do another bookish meme on Wednesday and after doing Can’t Wait Wednesday a few times we decided that would be a fun one to bring around more often! About twice a month you’ll see this meme on our blog.

Can’t-Wait Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Wishful Endings, to spotlight and discuss the books we’re excited about that we have yet to read. Generally they’re books that have yet to be released. It’s based on Waiting on Wednesday, hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine. Continue reading “Can’t Wait Wednesday | The Lost Book of the White – Cassandra Clare & Wesley Chu”

Series Review | Magisterium – Holly Black & Cassandra Clare

Today I wanted to do a little something different for my review. This week I read the last three books in the Magisterium series by Holly Black and Cassandra Clare so I figured it would be a great moment to share my review for the complete series with you all. I’ve never done a series review before so let me know if you liked the format in the comments! Because I hope to do these more often in the future. For now, let’s get into it! Continue reading “Series Review | Magisterium – Holly Black & Cassandra Clare”

Review | The Red Scrolls of Magic – Cassandra Clare & Wesley Chu

I’ve read almost all of the books in the Shadowhunters world and I really enjoy them. So when the Malec series was announced I got very excited! They’re one of my favorite couples and I’m so happy they got their own trilogy, and an adult one no less. I was once again very lucky, my audiobook subscription service had The Red Scrolls of Magic available on the release date so I started listening to it right away. And today I want to tell you what I thought about it! Beware that there might be some slight spoilers for all of the other series in the Shadowhunters word. Without further ado, let’s get into it. Continue reading “Review | The Red Scrolls of Magic – Cassandra Clare & Wesley Chu”

Buddy Review | Queen of Air and Darkness – Cassandra Clare

Surrounding the release of Queen of Air and Darkness by Cassandra Clare we did a whole week with reviews and Shadowhunter related posts. We shared our reviews for Lady Midnight and Lord of Shadows and now we finally BOTH ( 😉 ) have finished Queen of Air and Darkness we can share this review as well! There will be spoilers for the first two books so proceed with caution! Please don’t read ahead if you haven’t read LoS yet because you WILL be spoiled and you will not be happy about it 😉 Continue reading “Buddy Review | Queen of Air and Darkness – Cassandra Clare”

Mini Reviews | Ghosts of the Shadow Market #7-#8 – Cassandra Clare

Yesterday I shared my reviews of the 4th, 5th and 6th novella’s in the Ghosts of the Shadow Market anthology. Today I want to talk about story #7 and #8. We won’t get the last two stories until the physical copy of the bindup is released. Both these stories take place during Lady Midnight and the events are mentioned there as well. There are some spoilers for all the books leading up to Lady Midnight, so continue only if you’re all caught up. Continue reading “Mini Reviews | Ghosts of the Shadow Market #7-#8 – Cassandra Clare”

Mini Reviews | Ghosts of the Shadow Market #4-#6 – Cassandra Clare

Candyce shared her reviews for the first three novella’s in the Ghosts of the Shadow Market this week and today I have my reviews for story #4, #5 and #6. I flew through all these stories in no time at all and it got me really excited to keep reading Lady Midnight. Not all were my favorites, but I’m sharing my thoughts on one of my favorite Ghosts of the Shadow Market stories today. So keep on reading to find out which that is!

Continue reading “Mini Reviews | Ghosts of the Shadow Market #4-#6 – Cassandra Clare”

Mini Reviews | Ghosts of the Shadow Market #1-#3 – Cassandra Clare

Cassandra Clare is back with some short stories in her Shadowhunter world. Starting in April 2018, a short story will be published every month. If I read correctly two more stories will be added when all the stories are bundled in one book and published in Ghosts of the Shadow Market. I debated on waiting for the whole book to be published, but I decided I wanted to be back in the world, even for a bit. Getting ready for the release of Queen of Air and Darkness got us reading. I’ll be reviewing the first three and in the next couple of days, Isabelle is reviewing the other stories that have already been published

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Bookish Item| Book Beginnings on Friday

Do you ever just not know what to post about? Normally I have tons of ideas floating around my mind for these bookish items. Today I don’t have the lightbulb lighting for me. So I decide to participate in Book Beginning on Fridays. This meme was created by Rose City Reader.

The idea is to post the first sentence or so of the book you’re currently reading. After that you talk about your initial thoughts about the sentence, book or anything to do with that. I don’t know how often I will do this, but it seems like fun from time to time.

To continue our Shadowhunter week, today I will be talking about Queen of Air and Darkness. Don’t worry about spoilers for it though, I just barely started. It could contain spoilers up until Lord of Shadows though, because I will write down my expectations!

Continue reading “Bookish Item| Book Beginnings on Friday”

Buddyreview | Lord of Shadows – Cassandra Clare

Yesterday you got to read our review of Lady Midnight, today we want to share our review of Lord of Shadows. These books keep getting more intense, so we’re both afraid for Queen of Air and Darkness.

Warning: This review could contain some Lady Midnight spoliers. So if you haven’t read it yet, you’ve been warned!

Continue reading “Buddyreview | Lord of Shadows – Cassandra Clare”

Buddyreview | Lady Midnight – Cassandra Clare

We have been talking about buddy reading Lady Midnight and Lord of Shadows this year before the release of the last book in this trilogy. Our buddyread just happened to start a bit sooner when our friend Melissa from Melissa’s Fandomworld suggested we all read them together! This is a good thing, because we probably wouldn’t have started reading them so soon!

So today we want to share our review of Lady Midnight. With the release of Queen of Air and Darkness, this week is going to be The Dark Artifices week on the blog! Let’s start with this review!

Continue reading “Buddyreview | Lady Midnight – Cassandra Clare”