Fangirl Friday | Podcasts I’ve Been Listening to Recently

I’ve shared it before, but for those of you that didn’t know it yet, I really enjoy listening to podcasts. My most listened to podcasts are true crime ones, but there are some other ones in there as well. I shared my favourite podcasts in two posts, one all about true crime, and one with a bit of everything. Today I want to share some podcasts I’ve been listening to recently that I really like. Let’s jump in! Continue reading “Fangirl Friday | Podcasts I’ve Been Listening to Recently”

Show Sunday | Veronica Mars

With just two more weeks more to go before the new season, I decided to talk about one of my favorite shows ever today. And of course that is Veronica Mars. I have started a rewatch and am currently watching the third season. Right before the fourth season (finally) airs, I’ll watch the movie and then every thing will be fresh in my mind! For now, lets talk about the best show ever. Continue reading “Show Sunday | Veronica Mars”

Review | The Thousand-Dollar Tan Line – Rob Thomas

I’m currently on another rewatch of one of my favorite tv shows ever; Veronica Mars. The new season is starting in about a month and I have never been more ready!! But this also reminded me that I still hadn’t read the Veronica Mars books yet. And that needed to be fixed asap. So this week I read the first book. It takes places a little bit after the movie but there won’t be any spoilers! Continue reading “Review | The Thousand-Dollar Tan Line – Rob Thomas”