Bookish Item | My Favorite Rereads of 2024

I reread quite some books in 2024 and I thought it would be fun to take a look at them! Out of the 93 books I read, 29 were rereads. That’s 31%! I’ve come a long way, a couple of years ago I didn’t reread books at all and look where we are now. Let’s take a look at what I reread in 2024!
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Review | Haikyu; the High School Arc – Haruichi Furudate

I’m so close to finishing my favorite manga ever; Haikyu. Just one and a half volume to go and I really don’t want it to end haha. There are different arcs in this manga, but most of it takes place during Hinata’s high school years. Since I just finished that part, I thought it would be fun to do a review of the high school arc. That does mean there will be some spoilers for the earlier volumes because I need to talk about the spring tournament arc! Let’s jump in! Continue reading “Review | Haikyu; the High School Arc – Haruichi Furudate”

Show Sunday | Favorite TV Shows of 2023

My first favorites list of 2023 things! I’m kicking things off with my favorite TV shows I watched in 2023. Like with reading, I haven’t watched as many shows as I usually do so I thought this would be an easier list to make haha. Turns out I watched more than I remembered and it was a lot harder to narrow down than I hoped haha. Anyways, let’s jump in and see what I made of it! Continue reading “Show Sunday | Favorite TV Shows of 2023”

Review | Queen of Shadows – Sarah J Maas

The next book in my reread! And also the only book in the series I’ve reviewed on Goodreads haha. I’ve flown through this one for the reread but also forgot to take notes so this review isn’t going to be super long. Nevertheless, I wanted to share my thoughts so let’s dive in!
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Fangirl Friday | Computer Games I’m Currently Obsessed With

As you might’ve seen in one of my Royal Updates I’ve gotten a new gaming PC. And I’ve been gaming a lot since I got it haha. There have been a lot of nights when I’ve gone to bed way past my bedtime ;). And that has mostly been because of two games I’ve been playing non-stop. So I thought it would be fun to share both of them with you all today!
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Show Sunday | Criminal Minds: Revolution

One of my all time favorite tv show is Criminal Minds, I’ve followed the show for years and was so disappointed when it ended. However, I was also incredibly excited when I learned there was a revival and we would get a new season. That first season recently concluded and I wanted to share my thoughts. So let’s jump in!

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TTT #278 | Favorite YA Mysteries

We have been having fun with Top Ten Tuesday, so we decided we will do one every week. This bookish meme was hosted by The Broke and the Bookish, and has been going since June 2010! Since January 2018 Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.

This week’s topic is a genre freebie and I decided to go with my favorite YA mysteries. I’ve read a lot and I’m always looking for more. Today I’ll be share 10 that I would recommend. So let’s jump in! Continue reading “TTT #278 | Favorite YA Mysteries”

Bookish Item | Rereading Favorites

Recently I reread the All for the Game series and I loved being back with these characters. It reminded me of how much fun it can be to reread a favorite book. And I want to reread some more favorites this year. So I thought it would be interesting to share which books I want to reread the coming months. Let’s jump in!
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Bookish Item | Ranking V.E. Schwab books

In honor of Gallant’s release last week I decided to rank all the V.E. Schwab books I read! While I haven’t read all of her work yet, I did read a lot of it. And I though it would be fun to see which book I would put as my favorite. So let’s jump in! Continue reading “Bookish Item | Ranking V.E. Schwab books”

TTT #224 | Books Too Good to Review Properly Part 1

We have been having fun with Top Ten Tuesday, so we decided we will do one every week. This bookish meme was hosted by The Broke and the Bookish, and has been going since June 2010! Since January 2018 Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.

This week’s topic is Books Too Good to Review Properly. Sometimes you read a book you love so much but you just can’t explain why. The whole book just works for you and all you can say it’s so so good, please read it haha. Today I’ll share 10 books that were so good I just don’t know how to convince anyone of that fact. Continue reading “TTT #224 | Books Too Good to Review Properly Part 1”