Giveaway| Happy Blog B-day To Us – Answer Time

Last week was our Blog Birthday and we posted about our giveaway. Today is answer time! If you followed the instructions, you’ve found ten words (one word in every post last week) that make a quote. So if you want to enter the giveaway, keep reading on how to do that!

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Giveaway | Happy Blog Bday To Us!

Can you believe it’s been a year since we started our blog? Because we sure can’t! We absolutely love our little spot on the world wide web. To celebrate this occasion we wanted to do something for the readers who have followed us along the way or even new ones that just discovered us!

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Giveaway|Celebrating 100 Followers

When we started this blog at the end of September last year, we had no idea what was going to happen. Were people going to like it? Would anyone read it? Is it something we would continue with? Or would we lose our motivation after a month or two? The end of January was our fourth full month and we’re still loving it. But back to the reason we’re hosting a giveaway. We reached 100 WordPress followers!!!

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Giveaway|River Valley Lost & Found Trilogy – Kayla Tirrell

For the followers who have seen my reviews about this trilogy, you know that I’m a big fan. I have talked to the author a few times and she offered us the oppurtunity to host a giveaway. If you want to know more about this, keep reading!

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