Review| Out of Play – Kayla Tirrell

If you’ve been on this blog before, you know I’m a big fan of Kayla Tirrell’s books. In fact, one of her books was one of the first reviews to be found on The Book Dutchesses. Since then she’s written quite a few books. Love in the Arena is her newest series and I loved Penalty Box. Today is the the release day for the sequel, Out of Play. Keep on reading for my review!

A big thanks to the author for providing me with an ARC to read and review!

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Review| Penalty Box – Kayla Tirrell

If you’ve been following our blog for awhile, you’ll know I’m a big fan of Kayla Tirrell’s books! I’ve loved them all so far and am always excited when the next one arrives. This is her first dive into an adult sports romance. Today I want to tell you all about it!

A big thanks to the author for providing me with an ARC to read and review!

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Review| The Bridesmaid & the Ex – Kayla Tirrell & Daphne James Huff

The Bridesmaid & the Jerk left me wanting more! When the authors announced book two I was so happy. Today is release day for The Bridesmaid & the Ex and I had the chance to read it early. Another big thanks to these authors for providing me with an ARC to read and review! Now let’s talk about this book.

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Review| The Bridesmaid and the Jerk – Kayla Tirrell & Daphne James Huff

If you’ve been following the blog for awhile, you know I’m a big fan of contemporary books! Kayla Tirrell and Daphne James Huff have already worked on a few series together, but The Bridesmaid and the Jerk is their first step away from young adult together. Today I want to tell you a bit about this book and of course share my review.

A big thanks to the authors for providing me with an ARC to read and review!

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Review| Beauty and the Beach – Kayla Tirrell

It’s not secret anymore that Kayla Tirrell has become one of my favorite authors. That being said, today I am sharing my review for her newest book, Beauty and the Beach. This book is a part of the Boys of Summer series multiple authors are participating in. They’re all standalones, but take place in the same small town.

A big thanks to the author for, once again, providing me with an ARC to read and review!

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Review| Tessa – Kayla Tirrell

The first book in the Shelfbrooke Academy series, Twelfth Knight, was released at the end of April and was really good. The second book, Tessa, was released at the beginning of the week and today I want to share my thoughts about this book. A big thanks to the author for providing me with an ARC to read and review!

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Review| Game Plan – Kayla Tirrell

Kayla Tirrell has become one of my favorite authors, especially when it comes to my love of contemporary stories. Today her newest book, Game Plan, is out in the world. Game Plan is also the fourth and final book in the Varsity Girlfriends series. If you want to see my reviews for the previous books in the series, click on the titles: Courtside Crush, Off Center and Rebound Boyfriend.

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Review| Courtside Crush – Kayla Tirrell

Today is the release of Courtside Crush, by one of my favorite authors, Kayla Tirrell. I’ve loved all of her books so far, so when she sent me an ARC of this one, I was very excited.

Courtside Crush is modern-day retelling of Romeo and Juliet, so I was excited to see how she gave this one a twist. Let’s talk about what I thought of this book!

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Review| The Maker’s Match – Kayla Tirrell

The last and final installment of Disastrous Dates, The Maker’s Match, is available. I’m a little late posting my review on the blog, but I still wanted to share my review of this fun ending of the series. For a chance at a little giveaway, make sure to read until the end!

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Author Corner | Interview With Kayla Tirrell

It’s been quite awhile since we’ve done an author corner, so today it’s back for an interview with Kayla Tirrell. She’s become a favorite author of mine and I thought it would be fun to ask her a few questions. There is also a little giveaway, so make sure to read until the end!

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