TTT #53 | Bookish Items/Merchandise I’d Like to Own

We have been having fun with Top Ten Tuesday, so we decided we will do one every week. This bookish meme was hosted by The Broke and the Bookish, and has been going since June 2010! Since last January Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.

This week’s prompt is bookish items/merchandise I’d like to own. I have a lot of merch already but obviously I always want more haha. Since I also need to give one of my friends a bookish item wishlist I decided to share that one with you all. Let’s take a look at it! Continue reading “TTT #53 | Bookish Items/Merchandise I’d Like to Own”

Bookish Item | America Goodies Haul

In my last bookish item I showed you all the books I bought when I was in America and today I want to show all the bookish goodies I got! There were some things I ordered online and had shipped to my friend before my trip, I also got something at Target. Let’s take a look at all those goodies! Continue reading “Bookish Item | America Goodies Haul”

Bookish Item | Bookish Candles part 2

Two weeks ago I showed you all the first tiny part of my huge bookish candle collection. That has already grown since that first article…. Yes I might be a tiny bit ashamed haha, I’m very close to 60 bookish candles and I love them all! Are you excited to see the second part of my evergrowing collection? Keep on reading.

Continue reading “Bookish Item | Bookish Candles part 2”

Bookish Item| Bookish Candles part 1

I love bookish merch and really want to share that love with you all! One of my fav types of merch is:

Bookish Candles!!

You hadn’t guessed that one from the title right? Haha. I was planning on showing off all my candles in one article. Until I realised I have over 50 candles (if I counted correctly) so that would either be an insanely long article or one with hardly any details… I thought that would be such a shame so I decided to split my candles and handle one fandom at a time. The latter part will probably be combined fandoms as I have only 1 candle from a couple of fandoms. But we’ll see how that works out when we get there 😉 Excited to see which candles I got for you today? Read on!

Continue reading “Bookish Item| Bookish Candles part 1”