It’s been awhile since I did a review for graphic novels but I’ve finally read a couple again. These are the latest releases in 2 of my favorite series (and 2 of the only ones I’m all caught up with, haha). I had high hopes for both of these so let’s see if they lived up to it!
Continue reading “Mini Reviews | Fence vol. 6 & Saga vol. 11”
Publisher: Image Comics
Review | Saga vol. 10 – Brian K. Vaughan & Fiona Staples
It took me forever to finally start reading saga vol. 10 after waiting for this new volume for 3 years… But once I finally did start, I also finished it in one go. And today I would love to share my thoughts. So let’s jump in! There will be some spoilers for the previous volumes. Continue reading “Review | Saga vol. 10 – Brian K. Vaughan & Fiona Staples”
Mini Reviews | Heartstopper vol. 4 & Descender vol. 1 & The Apothecary Diaries 1
Lately I’ve been reading some great graphic novels and manga so today I wanted to share my thoughts on a couple of them. I love reading graphic novels and manga and always try to have a couple on my TBR. Heartstopper is one of my favorite series so of course I had to get the newest volume. I also came across Descender and The Apothecary Diaries and decided to give them a try. Let’s jump in!
Continue reading “Mini Reviews | Heartstopper vol. 4 & Descender vol. 1 & The Apothecary Diaries 1”
Mini Reviews | Riverdale: The Ties That Bind & Monstress vol. 3 & Quincredible vol. 1
I’ve been reading some graphic novels recently and I thought it would be great to do some more mini reviews for them. While I love reading graphic novels and I like to talk about them, I usually don’t have enough to say for a normal sized review. So I like to do it this way! Today I’ll be talking about 2 eARC’s and one graphic novel I owned myself. Let’s jump in! Continue reading “Mini Reviews | Riverdale: The Ties That Bind & Monstress vol. 3 & Quincredible vol. 1”
Mini Reviews – Comics #1
Sometimes you read a book you do want to say something about but not so much that it requires a whole review. For those books we have mini reviews! In this first edition I want to talk about 3 comics I read. They are Saga, Lumberjanes, and I Hate Fairyland, all volumes 1. Excited to read my thoughts about them? Read on! Continue reading “Mini Reviews – Comics #1”