It’s been awhile since I did a review for graphic novels but I’ve finally read a couple again. These are the latest releases in 2 of my favorite series (and 2 of the only ones I’m all caught up with, haha). I had high hopes for both of these so let’s see if they lived up to it!
Continue reading “Mini Reviews | Fence vol. 6 & Saga vol. 11”
Tag: C.S. Pacat
Bookish Item | Books I Plan on Pre-Ordering
Lately I haven’t bought that many books, although I do think compared to 2022 I added a lof more books to my shelves. At the moment there are a couple of books I really want to add to my collection, and I’m so sure about them I plan on pre-ordering them. I thought it would be fun to share those with you all. So let’s take a look! Continue reading “Bookish Item | Books I Plan on Pre-Ordering”
Review | Fence vol. 5: Rise – C.S. Pacat & Johanna the Mad
This won’t be a super long review as I’ll be talking about a graphic novel that has 112 pages. But I couldn’t not talk about it! I recently found out there was a volume 5 of Fence, released more than 2 years after volume 4…. Of course I had to get it right away! I tried to pace myself and not read it right away but I have finished it in no time and will tell you about it today! So let’s dive in.
Continue reading “Review | Fence vol. 5: Rise – C.S. Pacat & Johanna the Mad”
How I Met My Book # 8| Captive Prince – C.S. Pacat
We were looking for something to post on Sundays when we don’t have anything planned (which is the case a lot of the time lately, haha). Then I saw a post on Early Bookish Bird‘s blog and it seemed like the perfect fit. She started #howimetmybook .
Continue reading “How I Met My Book # 8| Captive Prince – C.S. Pacat”