Tag | Out of My Comfort Zone Book Tag

For today’s tag I found a really fun one! While looking around on booktube I came across the Out of My Comfort Zone Book tag by Emmabooks. I love watching tag video’s and this was such a fun one. It’s will be very hard to answer these but let’s get into it! Continue reading “Tag | Out of My Comfort Zone Book Tag”

Bookish Item | My Favorite Booktubers

I love books, I love reading them, talking about them, and hearing people talk about books. So naturally I love watching booktube videos! There are so many different booktubers out there and I really enjoy discovering new channels. And then watch allll of the videos on there haha. So today I decided to show you all some of my favorite booktubers. I watch a ton of videos so I’m only talking about a couple of my favorite booktubers today. If you all enjoy this post, I might write another one 😉 Let’s get in to it! Continue reading “Bookish Item | My Favorite Booktubers”

7 Days of Top 7 | Day 1 & Day 2

So I decided to participate in this fun thing on booktube; 7 Days of Top 7. It goes from Monday the 4th till Sunday the 10th. Unfortunately my internet and computer have NOT been cooperating and taken away some of the enjoyment. After days of trying to upload my first two videos I can finally show you all my first two videos. It’s already Thursday so I guess I was supposed to have 4 video’s by now… I hope I will be able to upload more videos this week but as I said, my internet and computer are very rude this week 🙁
Enough complaining, let’s take a look at Monday’s and Tuesday’s videos! Continue reading “7 Days of Top 7 | Day 1 & Day 2”