So I decided to participate in this fun thing on booktube; 7 Days of Top 7. It goes from Monday the 4th till Sunday the 10th. Unfortunately my internet and computer have NOT been cooperating and taken away some of the enjoyment. After days of trying to upload my first two videos I can finally show you all my first two videos. It’s already Thursday so I guess I was supposed to have 4 video’s by now… I hope I will be able to upload more videos this week but as I said, my internet and computer are very rude this week 🙁
Enough complaining, let’s take a look at Monday’s and Tuesday’s videos!G from the Book Roast is hosting this fun week and I absolutely love her channel! I only found out about it recently but I became an instant fan haha. This is the second time she’s doing 7 Days of Top 7 and this time around she shared the topics up front so people could participate. I found out about it on Monday and immediately filmed the first two video’s, however the first one was done uploading on Wednesday and the second one on Thursday, AARRRGGGHH SO ANNOYING, but oh well!
Monday’s topic was books that should be movies and I got some great picks in my opinion 😀
Tuesday’s prompt was thought provoking books, that one was a bit harder but definitely fun to do!
These were my two videos, I hope you guys enjoyed them! I would love love love it, if you subscribed to my channel and I hope to get more videos to all in the future!
Well done you’re doing great at these videos
Thank you so much!