Show Sunday | First Impression: Wednesday

Last Wednesday a new show started on Netflix; Wednesday. Everyone knows the Addams family, and now we can learn more about their daughter, Wednesday Addams. Of course I wanted to see if it was any good and I watch the first couple of episodes. And today I will give you my opinion based on the start of the show. So let’s take a look! Continue reading “Show Sunday | First Impression: Wednesday”

Show Sunday | First Look: How I Met Your Father

I loved How I Met Your Mother and I love Hilarie Duff so of course I was interested in this spin off/sequel kinda off show How I Met Your Father. Last week we got the first 2 episodes  and today I wanted to share my thoughts on them. Do I think this is going to be good and will I continue watching it? Lets find out!
Continue reading “Show Sunday | First Look: How I Met Your Father”

Show Sunday | First Look: Gossip Girl

I used to be a big Gossip Girl fan and watched the new episodes as soon as they came out. Before the show or when it just started I even read a couple of the books it was based on (not similar at all though haha). So of course I was intrigued when it was announced that there would be a new Gossip Girl show. I watched the first episode and wanted to share my thoughts about it. Let’s jump in! Continue reading “Show Sunday | First Look: Gossip Girl”

Show Sunday | First Look: Loki

LOKI LOKI LOKI LOKI LOKI!! My favorite MCU character has his own tv show and the first episode aired last Wednesday on Disney+. So of course I watched it and had to talk about it. I’ll share some of my thoughts to tie me over to next Wednesday when we get the second episode <3    !Spoilerfree!
Continue reading “Show Sunday | First Look: Loki”

Show Sunday | Upcoming Netflix Shows I’m Excited About

Usually I would already have been watching a ton of trailers for all the new tv shows coming in the fall. Unfortunately with all of the COVID-19 consequences a lot of shows haven’t been filming and so the fall schedule is still a bit tentative I believe. So I haven’t been able to find that many new shows yet. However, I do have a couple of Netflix shows that are coming out in the next couple of months. And I’m very excited about those! So let’s jump in. Continue reading “Show Sunday | Upcoming Netflix Shows I’m Excited About”