As you might know, I’m a Marvel fan. And my favorite Marvel character by far is Loki. So of course I watched the Loki show on Disney+. This year we finally got the second season. And since I was hardly watching anything at all it took me a bit to get to it. But this past week I finished the show! And of course I wanted to share my thoughts. So let’s get into it!
Continue reading “Show Sunday | Loki Season 2”
Tag: Marvel
Show Sunday | First Look: Loki
LOKI LOKI LOKI LOKI LOKI!! My favorite MCU character has his own tv show and the first episode aired last Wednesday on Disney+. So of course I watched it and had to talk about it. I’ll share some of my thoughts to tie me over to next Wednesday when we get the second episode <3 !Spoilerfree!
Continue reading “Show Sunday | First Look: Loki”
Bookish Item| Loki Comics I Want to Read
As you might know, I adore Loki. He’s by far my favorite Marvel character and I couldn’t be more excited that he got his own tv show. This week we got the fist episode and it reminded me I had a bunch of Loki comics saved on my Marvel Unlimited app to read. So let’s take a look at those! Continue reading “Bookish Item| Loki Comics I Want to Read”
Bookish Item | Marvel Unlimited – Is It Worth It?
As you might know, I really enjoy reading graphic novels. I read all sorts of them but they can be quite pricey for the time you actually spend reading them. While I watch a lot of superhero movies, I haven’t actually read a lot of them. I love Marvel but there’s just so much to read. So I decided to try the Marvel Unlimited subscription for the comics. And today I wanted to share some of my experience. Let’s jump in! Continue reading “Bookish Item | Marvel Unlimited – Is It Worth It?”