Inspired by a friend of mine I’m currently rewatching Gilmore Girls. This summer I rewachted Veronica Mars and I absolutely loved it. But like with books, I don’t rewatch shows that often. And maybe I should. It’s something I highly enjoy and isn’t that all that matters? I think I’m even worse with tv show than with rereading books if I’m being honest. While looking at some favorite shows, I still have a hard time picking some I would actually go and rewatch. And it’s not because I don’t love them with all my heart and soul! So let’s take a look at some of the shows I would love to possibly rewatch.
One Tree Hill
When talking about favorite tv shows, I always mention this one as one of my top 3 favorite shows. A couple of years ago I rewachted the whole show and it is still as amazing as it was the first time I watched it. I adore all of the characters in this show, even the ones that don’t seem so likable at first. Well, expect one, there’s one I will forever hate haha. There is so much drama, heart ache, love and whatnot going on in this show and the longer I talk about it the more I want to start that rewatch right away haha.
McCleod’s Daughters
I’m cheating a little bit on this one, because I haven’t actually seen the complete series. This used to be aired on television in the Netherlands, it might still be, and I have a couple of the dvd’s but I never watched all of the episodes. I do however absolutely love all of the seasons I did watch. Wonderful characters in an amazing setting, the Australian outback. There are 8 seasons so there’s quite a lot to watch!
Chilling Adventures of Sabrina
One of my current favorites! I have been wanting to rewatch this show since I finished the first season haha. We’ll be getting the next part in January but it’s such a long wait. I might rewatch the whole show before the new season releases so I have everything super sharp in my mind. This is such a wonderfully dark witches show and I love every second of it.
The Vampire Diaries/The Originals
A friend of mine was watching The Originals so I watch a couple of episodes with her. This really got me in the mood to rewatch both The Vampire Diaries and The Originals. I currently love Legacies and would love to go back to the beginning. It’s been forever since I watched those first seasons and I’m sure I’ve forgotten so much about the show.
This show was cancelled way to soon and is super underrated. I really enjoyed it but it has been a while since I thought about it. A rewatch would probably be a lot of fun but I hope it will be as good as I remember it to be haha. One of the things I loved most was the fact that Logan from Veronica Mars starred in it but I also remember really enjoying the story.
These are the shows I would love to rewatch most of all I’ve seen! I hardly ever rewatch shows so I’m not completely sure I will exactly do it, but I got quite excited just talking about them. Have you seen any of these shows? And what show would you like to rewatch? Tell me in the comments!
I love One Tree Hill!
One of the best shows ever made!
I just rewatched The Vampire Diaries last year! It was totally worth it. I also really want to rewatch One Tree Hill. 🙂
Krystianna @ Volumes and Voyages
Krystianna recently posted…Holiday Book Haul!
I just started my rewatch of Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, but The Vampire Diaries might be next!