Bookhaul | May

May has come to an end and that means time to show off our new books! There are so many new interesting releases each month and old hidden gems we discover that it is extremely hard not to buy allll the books. We try to keep our book buying in check but were we able to this month? We’ll tell you all about it in our may bookhaul.


May is a month that I ended up buying more books than expected, haha. I bought 11 books and 3 comics. I won’t be showing you all of my books in this post, because I have already showed some of them this month in different posts. My month started out in London and I bought some books and merchandise. If you want to read about that and see what books I bought, click here. This month was also the month that I got my signed Rebecca Yarros books!!! I was so happy when those arrived. She added some swag as well, so it was amazing. I posted a bookish item for it last week. If you want to see what she wrote in my books and which ones I got, click here.

If you have looked at the other posts, you have seen most of my books. After that I still have four books that I bought in May!


A Court of Frost and Starlight – Sarah J. Maas

This was one of my most anticipated releases this year and I was so happy when I got it. My only complaint is it’s too short! I need more!! A lot of people say not much happened, but after all the events in the first three books, it was nice to see them relax and be “normal”. Once again a pretty book! Haha.


The School of Good and Evil – Soman Chainani

In a Facebook group I help in (TBR & Beyond), there was a middle grade event last month (I am ashamed to say I only read one, haha). This was one of the books I bought to read in May. If you’ve been following us for awhile, you know I get distracted by other books and that’s what happened. Isabelle really enjoyed these books, so I can’t wait to see if I agree.


The Magic Misfits – Neil Patrick Harris

This was another attempt to make sure I had enough middle grade books ready for May. The Magic  Misfits is actually one I have had my eyes on for awhile, but never got around to getting. It looks adorable and the chapter titles and headings are adorable. I have seen Neil Patrick Harris as an actor, so I’m curious to see how he is as an author.


Flunked – Jen Calonita

Another middle grade book, haha. There is definitely a trend in my buying this month. Flunked was actually a recommendation I saw on Facebook and it sounded really interesting. Fairy Tale Reform School sounds like something I want to know about. It’s not a big book, so I think I will finish it in no time.

I’ve been a pretty good girl this month! Especially compared to last month haha. This month I added eight new books to my collection, and three of those I’ve already read. Not to bad right? Two of those books I got in bookboxes, 4 are graphic novels/comics, and 2 I got in the independent in town. Lets take a look!

Beyond a Darkened Shore – Jessica Leake

Last month’s Fairyloot was a bit delayed so I didn’t get it until the first week of June. The book that was included was Beyond a Darkened Shore, not a book that was really on my radar. However a couple of my friends already read it and absolutely loved it. So I might pick it up soonish.

Onyx & Ivory – Mindee Arnett

And this month’s Fairyloot had this gorgeous edition of Onyx & Ivory with the black sprayed edges. I adore sprayed edges on books and can’t get enough of these special editions, luckily we’re getting more of those the coming months! This is once again not a book I would personally spend money on but it might be one I will really enjoy.

Pop Goes the Weasel & Schuitje Varen – M.J. Arlidge (Dutch editions)

I previously had Pop Goes the Weasel in the UK edition but since I read book 1 in Dutch and already own book 3&4 in Dutch I decided I wanted this one in Dutch as well. As you can see it was only 10 euros so pretty cheap for a Dutch paperback. And added bonus; I got a free short story with my purchase. This story takes place before Eeny Meeny, can’t wait to read these. I really enjoyed the first book and hope these all live up to my expectations.

Anya’s Ghost – Vera Brosgol

This MG graphic novel had been on my radar for a while and the MG event in the TBR and Beyond Facebook group was the perfect excuse to get it. As I said in the wrap up I already read this one and really enjoyed it.

Giant Days vol 1 – John Allison & Lissa Treiman & Whitney Cogar

I heard about this one a while ago and when I was ordering some books online I decided to also order this one. It’s the first in a series and takes place at college. That’s a setting I really enjoy reading about.

Deadly Class vol 1 – Rick Remender & Wes Craig

I came across this comic while browsing Bookdepository and the title interested me right away! The synopsis sounded really interesting as well so once again I decided to just order it. And I’m happy I did!

Locke & Key vol 1 – Joe Hill & Gabriel Rodriguez

This one had been on my wishlist for awhile but it’s pretty expensive compared to other comics online. I kept coming back to it though and I figured I should just go for it. This is the only one from that order I haven’t read yet. I’m kinda savoring it haha. It’s also nice to have at least one unread comic on my shelves for the moment I really crave a comic. I do think I’llpick it up soon so I guess I just need to order some more 😉


That is our bookhaul for May! What did you buy in May? Any books we need to know about?

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