Bookish Item | More 5 Star Predictions

Last week Candyce showed her predicted 5 star reads for the last three months this year. I have seen so many Booktube videos for 5 star predictions and love to watch them. So obviously I wanted to join in on the fun haha! Candyce did a great twist on it in my opinion and I’m just going to follow her lead. Let’s take a look at two anticipated releases per month for October, November and December I think will be 5 star reads for me. I tried to not give the same one’s Candyce did, but that was pretty hard haha. Continue reading “Bookish Item | More 5 Star Predictions”

TTT #27| Books I Disliked/Hated But Am Really Glad I Read

We have been having fun with Top Ten Tuesday, so we decided we will do one every week. This bookish meme was hosted by The Broke and the Bookish, and has been going since June 2010! Since last January Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.

This week’s topic is Books I Disliked/Hated But Am Really Glad I Read and this is honestly IMPOSSIBLE for me haha. I don’t read that many books that I don’t like and I think there are hardly any that I’m still glad I read. Soooo what will we be doing today? I wanted to just start the list and say how far we would come but I only found 2 books…. Not so great… I decided to completely turn this around and go for 10 books I think I will rate 5 stars. So this is more like the challenge of 5 star predictions. Lets take a look at what I think those books will be. Continue reading “TTT #27| Books I Disliked/Hated But Am Really Glad I Read”