Bookish Item| Candyce’s 2021 Beat the Backlist Bingo Part 2

Two weeks ago I talked about the 2021 Beat the Backlist Bingo and posted my possible TBR for the first half of the prompts (2021 Beat the Backlist Bingo Part 1). There are 52 prompts, so there was too much to put into one post. So today I’m back with part 2. Let’s take a look at the last 26 prompts for this book bingo.

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Bookish Item | Candyce’s 2021 Beat the Backlist Bingo Part 1

We’re at the beginning of December, so it’s time (for me at least) to start thinking about reading goals for next year. My backlist is one that has been on my reading goals list for the past few years and could still be a lot less than it is now. I’ve done better at reading backlist books though this year (even though only 19 of them were on my shelf before the beginning of the year).

I recently saw the announcement for Beat the Backlist Bingo 2021. There are options for a 24 or 52 prompt bingo. So two books a month or one a week. I’m going to be a bit ambitious and go for the 52 bingo. So here’s part 1 of my possible TBR of this bingo. Keep on reading to find out more!

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