Bookish Item | Reading Goals 2023 Wrap Up

We talked about our favorite reads of 2023, so we thought it would be a good time to look back at our 2023 reading goals. How did we do? Did we accomplish the things we want to? Keep on reading this reading goals wrap up to find out!


2023 was a really good reading year for me! I discovered some great authors and even did a 30 books in 30 days challenge. So now it’s time to see how it did with my goals. Let’s take a look.

Goodreads Challenge

My goal was to read 100 books in 2023! I ended up reading 259 books. There were some shorter ones and I discovered manga, but it’s still reading! I set my reading goal to 100, because even know I can easily read that I don’t like the feeling of having to read. So no pressure and just seeing where my year goes. So I can’t complain!

Netgalley Feedback Ratio

I’m not really surprised that I failed this one, haha. Getting my ratio to 80% was a bit far-fetched if I’m being honest. I did improve though. When I set up my 2023 reading goals, I was at a feedback ratio of 25%. As I’m typing this, I’m at 32%. There are also more books on my shelf to review, so I’m starting to get closer to where I want to be.

Physical TBR

Out of all of my goals I think I failed this one the most, haha. At the start of 2024, I had 94 more unread books on my shelves than at the beginning of 2023. Last year I did read 90 paperbacks, 9 hardcovers, and a few of the volumes of manga on my shelves. So over 40% of my reading last year was a physical book. I’m hoping to beat that this year.

Reading Bigger Books

In 2022 I read 15 books over 500 pages and 37 books between 400 and 500 pages. I wanted the number of 500+ pages books to be larger in 2024. In 2024, I read 18 books that were 500+ pages. Only three more than in 2023, but I did read 57 books that were between 400 and 500 pages long. That’s 20 more than in 2022. So I didn’t do too bad!

Less Blog Tours

I don’t have the exact numbers, but I barely did any blog tours last year. If I did participate on a tour, it was with an author interview or just a promotional post. So even though I do still add new eARCs to my Kindle, I can read them without the pressure of a date for the tour hanging above my head.

Finish 12 series

Finishing series in 2023 actually went pretty well. I ended up completing 20 book series. Not all series are huge, but the fact that I even finished a duology or trilogy is something I’m really happy about. I hope to be able to do really great again this year.



2023 wasn’t a great year for me reading wise haha. So I’m a bit scared to look how I did with my goals. I did lower them to try and make them somewhat reachable. Let’s see how that went.

Goodreads Challenge

After setting my goal at a 100 books for the past couple of years I went with 52 books for 2023. One book a week seemed doable. And it was! I ended up reading 57 books in 2023. There was a month were I read zero books but also months with 7 or 8 books. Hopefully I can be a bit more consistent in 2024.

Netgalley Feedback Ratio

I thought it would be realistic to try and get my ratio to 50%. It’s not clear to me why I thought that would be realistic haha. Somehow my ratio is currently 42% so I have massively failed in regards to this goal.

Physical TBR

I’m pretty okay with how I did on this one. One part was to finish the year with less books on my TBR than I started with. While I did end the year with 4 more books, there are 4 manga and at least 2 graphic novels on that TBR so I can easily catch up. The second part was to try and read 25 books from my physical TBR. I ended up reading 22 books from my physical TBR and I’m really happy with that!

Big Books

I wanted to read at least 12 big books, so books with over 500 pages. Thanks to rereads I have read 16 big books in total. I’m super happy with that number! And I’ve also read 16 books that were between 400 en 499 pages, not to bad either.

Finish 6 Series

It used to be finish 12 series for the last couple of years. But this seemed to be more doable. And I started off the year really well. I ended up finishing 5 series in 2023 so I was really close! Hopefully I can finish some more series this year, it shouldn’t be too hard haha.

So that’s our reading goals wrap up! It’ll be interesting to see how we do with our 2024 reading goals. Do you set reading goals? What is the most important one for you this year? Let us know in the comments. We’d love to hear from you!

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