TTT #285| My Favorite TV Shows

We have been having fun with Top Ten Tuesday, so we decided we will do one every week. This bookish meme was hosted by The Broke and the Bookish, and has been going since June 2010! Since January 2018 Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.

This week’s topic is a Non-Book Freebie. Besides reading a lot of books I’m a big fan of watching TV shows. I really don’t have enough hours in a day. So keep on reading to find out what some of my favorite TV shows are.

One Tree Hill

This small town TV show had me hooked from the start. Like a lot of shows I watch this one has a lot of drama mixed with some sports. I loved how all of the friendships and relationships developed in this series. Besides the drama there is also a lot of humor and heartwarming moments.

Gilmore Girls

Another small town TV show, but this time a mother and daughter duo figuring things out. I love how close they are and being close with my mother I definitely recognize a lot. While Gilmore Girls has a lot of serious subjects and story lines it’s definitely more lighthearted with a lot of laugh out loud moments.

The Big Bang Theory

The Big Bang Theory is definitely my comfort show. I can watch the show about this geeky group of friends over and over and never get sick of it. It’s great seeing them passionate about the things they love and not always understanding the social cues people around them give them.

Dawson’s Creek

Dawson’s Creek is actually the first teen drama I started watching. It actually started airing when I was a bit too young to be interested in it, but around season 4 I got caught up. It’s definitely a show I could relate to as a teenager. New friendships, high school, relationships, figuring out what you want. All of these things are talked about in this show. One thing this show did teach me was I’m not a fan of love triangles, haha.


Even though I’m not very into politics, Scandal was an interesting take on this world. Our main character Olivia figured out how to get important people out of big messes and many scandals. Add some drama and relationship timelines and I was hooked.

How to Get Away with Murder

How to Get Away with Murder was an interesting show. Our characters are at school to become lawyers and definitely take hands on learning a bit too far at times. There are a lot of interesting cases and the back stories of our characters keeps you on the edge of your seat.

This is Us

I still remember watching the first episode of This is Us and loving the concept of the show. The past, present, and future story lines keep you watching, because you just need to know how things comes together. I cried a lot during the six seasons of this show, but definitely feel like a member of the family at the end. I definitely recommend This is Us.

Criminal Minds

I’ve always been fascinated how the mind works and knowing how our brain develops is interesting, but how the minds of criminals work is a whole different story. Profiling is so interesting and I loved how this crime show incorporated it. Not only are you on the edge of your seat while the team settles cases, but you’re also learning how the suspect thinks. I love that we got new episodes of Criminal Minds.

A Million Little Things

If you can’t tell, I’m a big fan of shows that hit you in all the feels. A Million Little Things also proves that family is who you make family. Friends all come together after tragedy and come together to keep on going. Things aren’t always easy, but they’re there for each other even when life gets complicated. I’m sad that the fifth season will be the last.

Grey’s Anatomy

Grey’s Anatomy is one of the longest running shows I watch. It actually just got renewed for season 20. This is also another show that has had me in tears many times, but has been so worth it. Besides all of the characters we get to know and love, I love all of the medical cases they deal with. Believe me when I say there are some interesting ones!


Some Recent TTT Posts:

TTT #280|Books on My Spring 2023 To-Read List Part 2
TTT #281| Books From My Past Seasonal TBR Posts That I Still Haven’t Read
TTT #282| Book for People Who Liked Leigh Bardugo
TTT #283| Indie/Self-Published Books
TTT #284| Titles with Animals in Them

That’s my Top Ten Tuesday for this week! So these are ten of my favorite TV shows and to be honest I have a lot more, haha. What are some of your favorite TV shows? Let me know in the comments. I’d love to hear from you.

9 thoughts on “TTT #285| My Favorite TV Shows

  1. “Gilmore Girls” was a great series! I watched that one too. =)

  2. The Big Bang Theory and Criminal Minds were two of my favorites when they were still on the air (oh, and I’m loving Criminal Minds: Evolution!). Just recently watched season 2 of How to Get Away with Murder and am anxious to get back to the series.

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday. Thank you!

  3. Gilmore Girls is an all time favourite TV show and I do a rewatch pretty much every year! I also really like The Big Bang Theory and often watch the repeats when they’re on TV, especially if it’s a favourite episode. I really enjoyed This Is Us, Scandal and How To Get Away With Murder as well.
    Jo recently posted…Top Ten Tuesday #416My Profile

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