TTT #284 | Titles with Animals In Them

We have been having fun with Top Ten Tuesday, so we decided we will do one every week. This bookish meme was hosted by The Broke and the Bookish, and has been going since June 2010! Since January 2018 Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.

This week’s topic is Titles with Animals In Them. There was literally none that came to mind haha, so off to Goodreads it is. Let’s see if I can find 10 books on my TBR. Otherwise I’ll also add ones I’ve already read. Here we go!

1. The Pig That Wants to Be Eaten: 100 Experiments for the Armchair Philosopher – Julian Baggini

This is a non-fiction book I’ve had for years now. I’m still interested in reading it but I will probably read it a chapter at a time. So before I’ve finished this one, we’ll be a few years later I think haha.

2. Hollowpox: The Hunt for Morrigan Crow – Jessica Townsend

I adored the first two books in the Nevermoor series and I can’t believe I still haven’t read this third one. It was released in 2020! The fourth book is supposed to be released this year so I guess it would be perfect if I finally pick this one up soon.

3. Pop Goes the Weasel – M.J. Arlidge

I have a lot of books in this series and really enjoyed the first one. It’s a good adult mystery and I definitely want to read the rest of the books. They’re pretty fast reads, maybe I’ll bring them on my next vacation!

4. The Fix vol. 1: Where Beagles Dare – Nick Spencer

This is a graphic novel that I’ve owned for a while now. It’s a signed copy and it came in a plastic wrapper. I just haven’t been able to open it haha, I want to keep it as it as to be honest. Although I am getting curious about the content of the story so maybe I will actually read it this year.

5. The Scarecrow Queen – Melinda Salisbury

I should really read this one. It’s been quite a while since I’ve read the first two books, the first one was pretty good but I didn’t love the second book. Maybe that’s why I haven’t picked this one up yet. It would be nice to finish another series so I should really read this one.

6. White Rabbit, Red Wolf – Tom Pollock

The synopsis doesn’t really tell me anything and neither to the reviews haha. Most reviewers seem to love the book a lot though. None of my friends have read this one but I guess I just have to give it a try.

7. Catwoman: Soulstealer – Sarah J. Maas

I adore Sarah J. Maas’ books and I’ve read all of them… Expect for this one haha. If I’m being honest I’m not that interested in this one. I only got it because Sarah wrote it, but I was pretty disappointed by Leigh Bardugo’s Wonder Woman book in this series.

8. The Storm Crow – Kalyn Josephson

This one was really popular when it released in 2019. I’ve seen a lot of positive reviews and it seems like a pretty fast read. This might be a good one for a Try a Chapter tag, if I don’t like it I can unhaul it, if I do like it, I might finally pick it up haha.

9. The Merciful Crow – Margaret Owen

I’ve been wanting to read this one forever! It might seem like a YA fantasy novel like so many others but it sounds like one I will really enjoy. A couple of my friends read this one and they liked it a lot.

10. Call Down the Hawk – Maggie Stiefvater

I adore the Ravenboys books and I’m a little disappointed I still haven’t read this one yet haha. Ronan was one of my favorite characters and I definitely want to read more about him. The whole trilogy is out so I could binge all three books.

Some Recent TTT Posts:

TTT #279| Books On My Spring 2023 To-Read List Part 1
TTT #280|Books on My Spring 2023 To-Read List Part 2
TTT #281 | Books From My Past Seasonal TBR Posts That I Still Haven’t Read
TTT #282 | Books For People Who Liked Leigh Bardugo
TTT #283 | Indie/Self-Published Books

So many books with the word Crow in the title, haha! But overall I guess I had more books with an animal in the title than I expected. There were even more I had, can you believe it? What’s your favorite book with an animal in the title? Let me know in the comments down below!

11 thoughts on “TTT #284 | Titles with Animals In Them

  1. I need to read the rest of the Nevermoor books. I loved the first.

    and I LOVE the books by M.J. Arlidge. I think I’m a book or two behind, but I adore the rest.

  2. The beagle on The Fix’s cover is so cute! Of these I’ve read Catwoman which I enjoyed, I’d say it’s worth giving a go, it is slightly different from Sarah J Maas’ other books but I found it quite fun seeing her try her hand at something new. Call Down The Hawk I also enjoyed, not as much as The Raven Cycle, but I did like it. I still have to read the other two books in the trilogy though.
    Jo recently posted…Top Ten Tuesday #415My Profile

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