Bookish Item | Reading Goals 2019 End of the Year Update

After sharing a lot of our favorite books, we decided it was time to talk about our 2019 goals. How did we do? Are we happy with how we did? Let’s take a look at our end of the year update for our 2019 reading goals!

Goodreads In our post talking about our goals, I said I would set my Goodreads to 150 books. This actually ended up being 200. Let’s just say I had a really good reading year and I was able to read a total of 300 books. I never expected to read this much and can’t wait to see how I do in 2020!

Reviews I said I wanted to write a review for every book I read. Let’s just say I didn’t end up with 300 reviews, haha. I did a lot better than 2018 and this year I really need to keep track of how many reviews I end up writing. All in all, I’m happy with how my reviewing went in 2019.

Backlist Books My goal was to read a total of 50 backlist books off my shelves. In the end I read 16 books off my shelves that I owned before 2019. That still isn’t a lot, but definitely an improvement from the year before. If I count e-books and backlist books (published before 2019), I ended up reading a total of 41 backlist books! I’m happy with how this turned out.

“Book buying ban” In all honesty, I forgot all about this goal, haha. I really failed buying less in 2019. At the end of the year, I added a total of 111 books to my shelves. I really don’t dare count how many unread books are on my shelves at the moment. If I could guess, I could probably read a full year and still not be done.Oops!

Finish Series Last year I ended up finishing more than 12 series, but not all of these were series I started before 2019. In the end I finished two series that I started before the beginning of 2019.This goal didn’t go as planned. Better luck this year I get, haha.

Rereading Books I didn’t set a certain amount of books to reread, but just really wanted to give myself permisson to reread a bit more than I did in 2018. At the end of the year, I ended up rereading a total of six books. This isn’t a lot, but I enjoyed all of the books I read again.

Netgalley ARCs This is one goal I really wish I could say I did better on. Let’s just say, I got nowhere near the 80%. I actually stayed around 60-62% most of the year, but ended at 57%. Netgalley ARCs is a goal I put on my list again for 2020. Let’s hope I can say I made the 80% at the end of this year.


Goodreads I set my Goodreads goal at a 100 books again last year. It wasn’t a very challenging goal but I planned on challenging myself more in other aspects of my reading. I actually read my 100th book of the year in August and at the end of the year I managed to finish 158 book! My Goodreads says I read 156 books and I think it has something to do with some short stories I shelved differently haha.

Reviews we all know how this one went right… I planned on writing a review for every book I read, either a full or mini review on our blog or at least a small one on Goodreads. In the end I think I wrote reviews for about 60 books. Not bad, but nowhere near my goal haha. I plan to tackle this goal a lot different in the coming year though!

Backlist Books Let’s start off by saying I was a lot closer than in 2018 haha. I planned on reading 4 backlist books per month, so 48 by the end of the year. After trying my hardest, I managed to read 34 backlist books. This is over double compared to 2018 so I’m not to mad. But hopefully next year will be better!

‘Bookbuying ban’ hahahahaha! Did any think this would be doable? I had some very particular rules and I didn’t follow any of them. Even worse, I think I broke them all in January. I really wanted to get my TBR down with this rule and the previous one. But I managed to grow my TBR with about 40 books. Even with an unhaul!

Finish Series I was pretty close! The plan was to finish at least 12 series and I ended up finishing 8. Two thirds of the way there haha. I also started a bunch of new series so this will probably be a never ending story. Hopefully this will be the year I cross a lot of series of my list, fingers crossed!

Rereading this goal didn’t have a specific number so I guess we can say I actually manage to meet this one 😉 I reread the whole Harry Potter series twice this year and also reread 5 other books. It’s still pretty hard for me to reread, but I’m happy with the books I did manage to reread.

Our goals didn’t go completely as planned, but we both had an amazing reading year. Let’s hope 2020 is another amazing one! How did you reading year go? What goals were you able to accomplish? We’d love to know!

4 thoughts on “Bookish Item | Reading Goals 2019 End of the Year Update

  1. I find it pretty much impossible to write a review for every book I read – there are just some books that I don’t have real thoughts for. But I am getting better at leaving a sentence or two on GRs about why I rated it the way I did.

    My big goal is definitely getting my ARC ratios back in order and reviewing how I go ahead with my ARC reading.

    1. Yes, I want to at least just post a little something on Goodreads. I’m currently using my review notebook to just write down a couple of sentences. For some of these end of the year posts I don’t really remember why I liked or disliked a book and that’s just crazy!

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