Bookish Item | Middle Grade May TBR

Candyce and I were planning on doing another Middle Grade May this month. And as it turned out the TBR and Beyond Facebook group we’re both part off is doing Middle Grade May as group reading challenge this month. So this is working out perfectly! I’m super excited to pick up some of the wonderful middle grade reads I have on my TBR and can’t wait to fall in love with those stories and characters. After a quick look at my shelves I had quite some books to pick from. So today I wanted to show which ones I’m most likely to read this month. Without further ado; my Middle Grade May TBR!

These are all the physical books I’m considering reading this month! Both Candyce and I also have an eARC of Friend or Fiction by Abby Cooper, so that it was we definitely plan on buddy reading.

At TBR and Beyond we’re doing a group buddy read of Nevermoor and Wundersmith and it’s the perfect opportunity for me to finally read these! I have heard so many wonderful things about this series and I’m pretty sure I will adore them so much. But some how I have been putting it off. I can’t wait to finally read these two!

One of the first books I will pick up is the Magic Misfits by Neil Patrick Harris. Candyce already read this one and she loved it a lot! I got this one for my birthday from her and I have been super excited to read it ever since. This will probably be a very quick read. Book 2 is out already and the cover for the third one just got released so this is the perfect moment to jump on the bandwagon for this series.

I adore the School for Good and Evil series so much! The original trilogy are a couple of my favorite MG reads ever. Quests for Glory is the first book in the new series set in this world, also seen as book 4 of the series and I really want to finally pick it up. The sequel is already out and apparently this one has quite the cliffhanger! So I probably want to keep on reading once I finally start this second trilogy.

These books have been out for awhile now but I still haven’t read Furthermore and Whichwood by Tahereh Mafi! Last month I read Shadow Me and Defy Me by her, but I haven’t read anything she wrote outside of the Shatter Me world. It will be interesting to see if I like these, the premise of both sound wonderful to me. The hardcovers are pretty heavy! Hopefully the story is not 😉

This is the Dutch edition of Serafina and the Black Cloak and I think this book looks so beautiful! I have heard some great things about it, and a friend of mine loves it so so much. This one isn’t really high up my priority list so I probably won’t get to this one but I do hope to read it in the near future. It supposedly has fantasy, mystery and historical fiction elements and that just sounds amazing!

And lastly I have these three! These are also Dutch editions, but these are books 3-5 in the Magisterium series by Holly Black and Cassandra Clare. I read and enjoyed the first two books but didn’t read the third one yet. Apparently the fifth one was getting pretty hard to get a hold of her in the Netherlands so I decided to quickly buy book 4&5 before I wouldn’t be able to get them in this edition. These books seem to get smaller with each installment so I hope to fly through them haha.

These are the books I plan on reading this coming month. I really hope I can knock a lot of Middle Grade reads off of my TBR! Are you planning on participating in Middle Grade May? And have you read any of these books? Let me know in the comments!

9 thoughts on “Bookish Item | Middle Grade May TBR

  1. So excited that you are reading so much MG this month! Yayyyy! The Dutch edition for the Cassie Clare/Holly Black books are stunning!!!

    1. YAY, I’m super excited as well! I hope they all live up to my expectations haha. And yes, I totally agree! That’s why I picked up the Dutch editions instead of the English ones, so happy I own the completed series now.

    1. Thank you, I’ve been loving MG recently! Such great stories and I love the focus on friendships instead of romance <3

  2. I absolutely love the Nevermoor series, it’s one of the best middle grade series I’ve come across and can’t wait to see what you think of it. Furthermore is incredible, it has a very Alice in Wonderland feel to the narrative. I haven’t read Whichwood as yet. Sounds like a wonderful month of reading ahead!
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    1. Thank you! I’m so excited about finally starting Nevermoor! Hopefully I love it as much as you do <3

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