We have about three more weeks to go in 2022, a little less but with the holidays coming up I’m counting it either way haha. I would love to cross off a couple more books and get a little closer to completing my reading challenge. It seems doable to read 3 more books, although I would love to read 6 more haha. Let’s take a look at the books I plan on reading to at least reach 1 goal.
Continue reading “Bookish Item | 3 Weeks, 3 Books?”
Tag: Reading Challenge
Bookish Item| The Book Tempter’s TBR Book Challenge
I’m always up for reading challenges, because they’re great way to get through some books and backlist books at that! Ellie from Read to Ramble posted about this and she saw it on Holly’s blog from Holly Loves Books. The Book Tempter’s TBR Book Challenge was created by Runalong the Shelves and the original post can be found here.
There is no set date to start this challenge, only that you have 12 weeks to complete it. So I think I’ll start on June 1st and this will end on August 24th. Hopefully I can get to some of my backlist books, so let’s take a look at the TBR I hope to stick to with the prompts for the challenge.
Continue reading “Bookish Item| The Book Tempter’s TBR Book Challenge”
Bookish Item | Challenging Myself to Read Big Books
I’ve talked about my ‘fear’ of reading big books before and I want to talk about it some more today! While I usually love the big books I read, I also have trouble picking them up haha. They can be so intimidating! I love watching Emily Fox on Youtube and she started doing a big books challenge in 2018 (I think that’s when she started). She puts 12 big books in a mug and picks one each month to read. And I figured why not do something similar? Continue reading “Bookish Item | Challenging Myself to Read Big Books”
Bookish Item | Middle Grade May TBR
Candyce and I were planning on doing another Middle Grade May this month. And as it turned out the TBR and Beyond Facebook group we’re both part off is doing Middle Grade May as group reading challenge this month. So this is working out perfectly! I’m super excited to pick up some of the wonderful middle grade reads I have on my TBR and can’t wait to fall in love with those stories and characters. After a quick look at my shelves I had quite some books to pick from. So today I wanted to show which ones I’m most likely to read this month. Without further ado; my Middle Grade May TBR! Continue reading “Bookish Item | Middle Grade May TBR”
Bookish Item | Romanceopoly
I always think it’s fun to do reading challenges to help my reading during the year. I’m a big fan of romance books, so when I saw Romanceopoly in a post of reading challenges on Mel to the Any, I knew I needed to check it out! There is full website for Romanceopoly to check out all the rules and book recommendations!
If you’re interested in this reading challenge, keep on reading to find out more and how I’m going to participate!
Bookish Item| Reading Challenges 2018
To make our reading goals more fun we have decided to make a game out of some of our goals. We are going to create a jar with goodies and when we complete a challenge we earn something, or if one of us fails to complete a challenge the other person gets a goodie. For now we will only be talking about our yearly challenges. We plan on making smaller ones as well throughout the year, but you will see those in other posts.