Blog Tour| Quiet No More – Nikki Barthelmess

I recently read and reviewed The Quiet You Carry and it was such an emotional and hard hitting book. The next book, Quiet No More, releases in October and I’ve already started reading this one. I’m still working on it, so my review will be posted soon. So today on my spot of the book tour hosted by TBR and Beyond Tours I want to tell you what this book is about and give you information about the giveaway!

Once again, there are some trigger warnings that you need to be aware of: domestic abuse and sexual abuse.

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Review| The Quiet You Carry – Nikki Barthelmess

The Quiet You Carry released last year, but I have to say I missed this release. The next book Quiet No More is releasing soon and I’m on the blog tour. To prepare for that I needed to read The Quiet You Carry first. I have to say this definitely wasn’t an easy book to read and brings its own set of trigger warnings that I will address at the beginning of my review.

A big thanks to the publisher for providing me with an e-copy of this book on Netgalley to read and review!

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