Tag | Mid Year Book Freak Out Tag 2024 Part 2

Last week Candyce did the Mid Year Book Freak Out Tag, it’s a tag that yo see all over the bookcommunity this time of year. And I thought it would be fun to do it as well! So after Candyce’s answers last week, today you’re getting mine. Let’s jump in!

Best Book You’ve Read So Far

Starting off easy…. Not haha. I have read so many 5 star books this year haha. This Is Why We Lied and Fourth Wing have to be up here for sure. They are both recent reads but I loved them a lot!

Best Sequel You’ve Read So Far

I have also read a lot of sequels haha. While not everyone agrees, I personally loved House of Flame and Shadow! And I can’t not mention Haikyu as I’ve read volume 13-45 this year and 5 starred all of them haha. I adore that series with my whole heart!

New Release You Haven’t Read Yet, But Want To

I can’t believe I still haven’t read The Perfect Guy Doesn’t Exist! Sophie Gonzales is one of my favorite authors and I have been looking forward to this one since the moment I heard about it… This might have to be my next read!

Most Anticipated Release for the Second Half of the Year

I just realised I don’t have that many anticipated releases for the second half of this year! This is a really weird feeling haha. I’m sure I’m missing out on a couple of big releases, but my most anticipated releases are currently all for 2025 haha. Monsters #3 was supposed to be a 2024 release, and in that case that would be my biggest one for sure! But I haven’t really heard anything about it so I’m a little scared that it will be pushed to 2025 as well…

Biggest Disappointment

This is a really hard one for me, because I actually almost exclusively have read books I enjoyed. I have been picky and also have been rereading a lot so I guess that has worked out for me really well haha. If I had to pick a book I think I would go with Saga vol. 11, which I still really enjoyed and gave 4 stars. But I would’ve expected it to be 4,5 or 5 stars so I guess that was a bit of a disappointment in that regard.

Biggest Surprise

The Sunshine Court! Mostly because all of a sudden it was there haha. I loved it a lot and I mostly expected I would. Although I was a bit hesitant since we are following different main characters so that could’ve been disappointing. But it wasn’t at all and I’m super happy we’re getting another book in the series!

Favorite New Author (Debut or New to You)

I haven’t read that many new authors this year! Just 3 haha. So I guess I have to go with Rebecca Yarros. I have been wanting to read something by her for years now and I finally did with Fourth Wing and Iron Flame.

Newest Fictional Crush

I guess that honor has to go to Xaden! Or the Villain from Assistant to the Villain because he has had me giggling a lot this past week haha.

Newest Favorite Character

This is a pretty hard question actually, mostly because I have been rereading a lot and the new books that I’ve read have mostly been sequels. But I’m currently reading Assistant to the Villain and Evie has become a favorite character for sure. She’s super relatable in my opinion, I don’t know if it was intended that way but I recognise a lot of my ADHD symptoms in her for sure haha.

Book That Made You Cry

I sent a picture of me ugly crying at the end of Iron Flame to a couple of friends and I guess that says it all haha. They were all reading either Fourth Wing or Iron Flame so it was fun to have them anticipating this part now haha. I love sharing thoughts and feelings about a book in real time!

Favorite Book to Film Adaptation You’ve Seen This Year

I haven’t really seen that many book to film adaptations this year, I can only think of The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes. Which I enjoyed, but I also disliked how ‘likeable’ they made Coriolanus Snow. In the book you get much more of his ruthlessness through his thoughts, because his motivations are what make him a villain instead of his actions! However, if we look at a book to tv show than it has to be My Lady Jane. That show was incredible! I enjoyed it so so much.

Most Beautiful Book You’ve Bought or Received This Year

I got myself 2 poetry books this year, both by Celia Martinez. Diary of a Romantica vol. I and vol. II. And they are gorgeous inside and outside. I’m so happy I decided to get these for myself! Poetry really helped me this year and I have been inspired by Celia for sure.

What Book(s) Do You Need to Read by the End of the Year?

Haha, this is such a hard question. There are a ton of books that have been on lists like this forever and I still haven’t read haha. I would love to finally read Jade City or The Bone Shard Daughter or Bloodwitch but I would also love to finish a couple more series that have been on my TBR forever. So I guess it will be a surprise for us all to see what I actually end up picking up haha.

And that was my Mid Year Book Freak Out tag! What did you think of my answers? I would love to hear some of your favorites so far this year. And what big release for the second half of the year did I miss? Let me know down below!

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