Bookish Item | Books I’m Packing For My Summer Holiday

This weekend I’m off to France for about a week. I’m not doing much this summer break, but I am going to my parents place in France. And of course I will be reading some books while I’m there. It’s always hard figuring out which books to take, but I think I have it figured out. So let’s take a look!

Death Note Black Edition vol. VI – Tsugumi Ohba

Yes, I did bring this one last time. But I also started reading it! I’m just not completely finished yet. Writing this post makes me wonder if I should try and finish it in the next couple of days. But in case I don’t, I do want to bring this one with me so I can finally finish the book and with it the series.

Haikyu vol. 9-12 – Haruichi Furudate

Last time I read vol 5 – 8 while in France and I would’ve continued if I had more volumes. I adore this series so so much. These next 4 volumes will probably be amazing. But finishing these also means I have to get new ones as they are the last on my TBR. Maybe I can find a good deal somewhere.

Godsgrave – Jay Kristoff

Yes, this one is on the list again haha. I still really want to read the rest of the Nevernight trilogy and I hope I can force myself to at least start again by brining Godsgrave with me. Last time I listened to a lot of audiobooks but hopefully I will read some more physical books this time around.

Jade City – Fonda Lee

I have such high hopes for this one. It sounds like a book I would love and the reviews are all super positive. But somehow this book has been sitting on my shelves for 2 years without me picking it up. So this is another one I just need to bring with me until I do read it haha.

My Sister, the Serial Killer – Oyinkan Braithwaite

I have been wanting to read this one for so long and I was super happy to find a copy in Chicago. Now the book will always come with memories of that trip and that is such a special feeling. The lady in the bookstore told me so loved this book so I’m super excited to read it. It’s not that big so I can for sure finish it while in France.

And those are the books and manga I’m brining on this trip. I’m excited for all of these and I really hope I’ll have enough reading time to finish all of them. Which one would you start with? I would love to hear from you, let me know in the comments!

6 thoughts on “Bookish Item | Books I’m Packing For My Summer Holiday

  1. I hope you have the best trip! We’re going on a quick road trip at the end of the month, so I better get to planning my books for that.

    1. Thank you! Hopefully you have a great road trip. And good luck with planning yuor reading material, it can be hard haha.

    1. Thank you! I have really high hopes for it haha, everyone seems to love it <3

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