Bookish Item| 2023 Reading Goals Mid Year Check In

Like every year I set up some reading goals to challenge myself throughout the year with my reading. We’re over halfway through the year now, so I thought I’d take a look at my 2023 reading goals and see how I’m doing. So let’s take a look!

Goodreads Challenge

I can start off looking back on my reading goals on a positive note. At the moment I’ve read 131 books and my goal was set at 100. I know I can read more than 100, but setting it higher always puts pressure on my reading and that does the opposite of what I want. I want to see if I can get to 250 books before the end of 2023!

Netgalley Feedback Ratio

At the end of last year my Netgalley feedback ratio was 25%. Right now I’m at 33%. I’ve gone on a bit of a requesting spree and now have 59 books to read. I’m working on a few at the moment and I’m determined to increase it more.

Physical TBR

My physical TBR was and is still out of control, haha. So far in 2023, 51 of the 131 books I’ve read were physical books. I have bought quite a few books so far this year (I’ve been to the bookstore quite often this year, haha). Out of the 51 physical books I read 29 of them were backlist books. I think I may finally make the 50 backlist books this year.

Reading Bigger Books

Just like last year, I decided I wanted to try and read more 500+ page books. In 2022 I ended up reading a total of 15 books that were 500+ pages. So far this year I’ve read 12 books that are 500+ pages, so I think I’m going to pass the amount I read last year. Also, 28 books were between 400-500 pages, so this year has been successful when it comes to page count.

Less Blog Tours

This reading goal has also been a success so far this year. I’ve participated in a few, but then I did a spotlight or author interview. There have been a few where I’ve read the book as well, but that has only been for my most anticipated releases. It has really taken off the pressure of reading and let me mood read quite a bit!

Finish 12 Series

I have a reading spreadsheet that my boyfriend made me and this year he also added a series tracker for me. So I can keep track of the series I have going. I have to say it’s been pretty motivated to continue and complete series. This year I’ve completed 15 series! I’m really proud of this number and hope to increase it before the end of 2023!


So I have to say I’m pretty happy about my reading goals so far this year. Do you have reading goals? How are you doing with them so far this year? Let me know in the comments! I’d love to hear from you.

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