Bookish Item | 3 Years of Blogging: Hopes and Wishes for the Next 3 Years

Yesterday we celebrated 3 years of blogging with a giveaway (there’s still time to check that out). Today we want to talk about our hopes and wishes for the next 3 years. We’re still loving what we’re doing, but we definitely have goals and wishes, so keep on reading to find out more!

When we started this journey three years ago, neither of us was expecting how far we would come. Like we’ve said before, we never expected people to come look at our corner of the bookish community.

We’ve made some great accomplishments so far. We hit 500 WordPress followers and reached 1,000 followers on Instagram and Twitter. This is something neither of us ever imagined and we’re still shocked if we’re honest, haha. So what what are our hopes and wishes for the next three years?


The amount of followers we have isn’t the most important thing to me, but it’s amazing to see that slowly growing. It’s exciting to know people appreciate your space in the bookish world and I love all the friendships we’ve made through social media. I hope we keep steadily growing and can hit 1,000 on WordPress as well! That’s definitely a dream.

I also hope Isabelle and I are able to meet some more of our favorite authors over the next few years and can tell everyone about it. We’ve met some amazing authors so far and it’s so much fun seeing the people behind the books you love!

As for more of a person goal, I really hope I’m finally able to get in a routine that I’m always a few weeks ahead with blogging. If I have some pressure taken off the deadline of a post I am able to get more done. I’m more creative and can think of more things to do. I like being able to just sit down and blog and know that our followers will get to read posts while I work on future things! I’m determined to make this happen.

Being an international blogger can be hard at times, because getting access to ARCs isn’t easy at all. We’ve been so lucky with the blog tours we’ve been able to participate in and the e-galleys we’ve gotten our hands on. This was never my reason to start blogging, but as we grow it’s nice seeing us getting more of our most anticipated reads and being able to help promote. Hopefully we can get some connections with our favorite publishers!

Last, but not least, I hope I always love blogging as much as I do now. Isabelle and I make a great team and I really couldn’t do this with anyone else. So I’m hoping for a lot of fun blogging days together, buddyreads and more brainstorming to make this blog the best it can be!


Candyce and I are really on the same page for basically everything involving our blog. That’s the reason why we work so well together and it’s still so much fun. When I read Candyce’s hopes and wishes for the next three year, this was once again clear to me haha. Because to be honest, my hopes and wishes are pretty much the same haha.

While we don’t necessarily blog for followers, I do think it’s great to see progress in our followers count. It shows us more people find our blog and that they apparently like it enough to stick around. It would be amazing to hit 1.000 followers on WordPress. I also hope our comments go up with that as well. We got a new WordPress theme in the hopes of fixing the commenting problem some people seem to have on our website.

We’ve been getting more and more eARC’s through Netgalley and blog tours. It would be amazing to also get some eARC’s through Edelweiss. At this moment we are auto-approved by one publisher on Netgalley and I would love it if we were able to get that with more publishers. At the same time I’m super happy with all the eARC’s we already get and have trouble reading all of them. So I shouldn’t be so greedy haha ;).

Like Candyce mentioned, I really hope I get better in working ahead. Every now and then I’m able to work a week ahead and it gives me such a calm feeling. I’m also super busy with work and my studies so it would be nice to just plan it all a bit better. Let’s hope I’m able to do so!

And lastly, I just hope I’m able to keep going with it. I love blogging, especially with Candyce and I hope we can keep this up. It’s such a nice outlet and I also want to keep reading more and more because I’m blogging. Reading is one of my favorite ways to relax and I never want to lose that <3.

So these are our hopes and wishes for the next few years. We like to dream and reach for our goals, as long as we keep having fun with what we’re doing. If you have your own blog, do you have hopes and wishes for your blog? We’d love to talk to you about it in the comments!

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