Bookish Item | Completed Series On My Shelf I Still Need to Start Part 2

Last week Candyce told you about the completed series she has on her shelf that she hasn’t even started yet. While I’m not a series hoarder like she is, I do have the first book of quite some completed series on my shelves. So today I wanted to share some of those. I truly plan on reading them all soon haha. Let’s dive in!

The Diviners

I think I already talked about this one very recently. This is one of the books on my shelves I want to read the most, but somehow I never actually pick it up. Please let this be the year that changes! The book is set in New York during the roaring twenties and has something supernatural going on. That is pretty much all I know but everyone seems to love it.

The City of Brass

I was so excited when I bought this book and the sequel secondhand. The hardcovers are gorgeous and they sounds like my kind of series. Candyce already read these books and she really enjoyed them. That’s definitely a very good reason for me to pick them up soon. She knows what I like to read so I trust her opinion.


Another one Candyce already read and loved. I had this one on my wishlist for sooo long and now I finally own it. This cover looks amazing and I’ve heard so many great things about the series. The premise sounds super cool and I want to read more sci-fi.


Candyce also had this series on her list. I got this book 4 years ago or so, and I still haven’t read it. Very shameful, I know. This is another series that sounds right up my alley. I love the sound of the synopsis and think it could definitely be a future favorite.

The ReaderĀ 

I’ll admit I somewhat forgot I owned this book. When I bought it, Candyce already had read it and she was quite positive about the book. While I did plan on reading it soon, I lost my interest in it a bit. I don’t think this will be the first book I’ll pick up from this list, but hopefully I will do so eventually.

Red Sister

I almost forgot about this one! This is one of the most exciting ones on the list. I’ve heard so many good things about this series and I think I will love it. The premise sounds so cool and I’m pretty sure it will live up to my expectations.

These are a couple of the unread books I have on my shelves that are the first in a completed series. I really should read them before I get any new ones but we all know how that goes haha. Have you read any of these? Which one would you recommend I pick up first? Tell me in the comments!

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