Mini Reviews | All For the Game series – Nora Sakavic

The Foxhole Court has been on my wishlist for at least two years now and I recently discovered the hole series was available on Scribd. This definitely bumped it up on my TBR. And for some reason I decided to start listening to The Foxhole Court at the start of June. Before I knew it I finished the whole trilogy haha. So today I want to share my thoughts on these three books. Let’s jump in!

Mini Reviews | All For the Game series – Nora Sakavic

Neil Josten is the newest addition to the Palmetto State University Exy team. He's short, he's fast, he's got a ton of potential—and he's the runaway son of the murderous crime lord known as The Butcher.
Signing a contract with the PSU Foxes is the last thing a guy like Neil should do. The team is high profile and he doesn't need sports crews broadcasting pictures of his face around the nation. His lies will hold up only so long under this kind of scrutiny and the truth will get him killed.
But Neil's not the only one with secrets on the team. One of Neil's new teammates is a friend from his old life, and Neil can't walk away from him a second time. Neil has survived the last eight years by running. Maybe he's finally found someone and something worth fighting for.

The Foxhole Court by Nora Sakavic
Published by Nora Sakavic on 15/01/2013
Genres: Contemporary, Sports
Pages: 237

Apparently I didn’t read the synopsis before I started reading the book. I saw The Foxhole Court recommended a couple of times and all I really knew was that there was a m|m romance and that it was about a made-up sport. What I didn’t know was that there are really dark themes in this book! And that’s actually what made me love it as much as I did. Also, don’t get your hopes up about that m|m romance just yet đŸ˜‰

Our main character is Neil and he’s in hiding. However, he can’t stay away from Exy, the game he loves. So when he get’s recruited for an university team he decides to go for it. I really enjoyed the sports aspect of this story. It made me realize I want to read more sports romances soon! The setting is mostly at an university and that’s something else I really enjoy and unfortunately haven’t read that much yet. Time to change that as well đŸ˜‰

As I said, the book deals with a lot of dark themes. All of the Foxes have their own past to deal with and throughout the series more and more will be revealed. In this first installment we get a glimpse of the stories of a couple of Foxes and their stories broke my heart. Neil slowly becomes a part of the team and the reader gets a bit of an idea of his personal story.

We got some shocking revelations in this first book and I was especially shocked by the ending! I did not see that coming and was honestly surprised as to where on the timeline/story The Foxhole Court ended. Don’t get me wrong, I was quite happy with the story and immediately picked up the second book. I can’t imagine having to wait for the second book to release haha.

Lastly I want to quickly mention the characters. They are pretty much all morally grey and definitely not all of them are that likable. I mentioned Neil before, he is our main character and he has all of my heart. Not a perfect character but perfect to read about!! Kevin is one I’m not sure about, I know most people love him but he didn’t convince me yet. I do really care about his story though! The twins, Andrew and Aaron, one I Hate and one I Love haha. I think my favorite twin is a very big part of the reason I enjoyed these book so much. Seth is pretty much an asshole I don’t care about. Matt is the sweetest and so is Renee. Nicky is hilarious and Allison is badass. And then we have the captain, Dan, one of the best characters hands down. Also, I really enjoyed the coach and the teams support system!

Mini Reviews | All For the Game series – Nora Sakavic

The Foxes are a fractured mess, but their latest disaster might be the miracle they've always needed to come together as a team. The one person standing in their way is Andrew, and the only one who can break through his personal barriers is Neil.
Except Andrew doesn't give up anything for free and Neil is terrible at trusting anyone but himself. The two don't have much time to come to terms with their situation before outside forces start tearing them apart. Riko is intent on destroying Neil's fragile new life, and the Foxes have just become collateral damage.
Neil's days are numbered, but he's learning the hard way to go down fighting for what he believes in, and Neil believes in Andrew even if Andrew won't believe in himself.

The Raven King by Nora Sakavic
Published by Smashwords Edition on 10/07/2013
Pages: 423

As soon as I finished The Foxhole Court I had to start The Raven King. After that ending there was no way I was going to wait. Pretty soon after starting the book, the title started to make sense. We also got some twists pretty early on. This were my memories get a bit blurry though. I was so invested and I basically stopped making notes until I finished both the second and the third book haha. So I don’t have as much to say as I did about the first book.

I listened to the audiobook for these three books and kept reacting out loud to the story. That’s how invested I was haha. I came to love all most all of these characters in hardly anytime at all but I’m so happy I decided to pick up the series. Andrew cemented himself as my favorite character and I wish there were more books about him. Neil was once again amazing to read about but I’m still not sure about Kevin. I guess he just hasn’t wiggled his way into my heart like the other characters did. It was very interesting to read about him though. Oh, and Riko is the absolute worst.

This second installment was possibly even darker than the first and I loved it. I would love to read more books like this so I would highly welcome any and all recommendations. It was hard to read some of the things in this book but therefor also very important. Sure, not everything is very likely to happen to most people, but there is more in here that happens more often than we’d like to think.

Mini Reviews | All For the Game series – Nora Sakavic

Neil Josten is out of time. He knew when he came to PSU he wouldn't survive the year, but with his death right around the corner he's got more reasons than ever to live.
Befriending the Foxes was inadvisable. Kissing one is unthinkable. Neil should know better than to get involved with anyone this close to the end, but Andrew's never been the easiest person to walk away from. If they both say it doesn't mean anything, maybe Neil won't regret losing it, but the one person Neil can't lie to is himself.
He's got promises to keep and a team to get to championships if he can just outrun Riko a little longer, but Riko's not the only monster in Neil's life. The truth might get them all killed—or be Neil's one shot at getting out of this alive.

The King's Men by Nora Sakavic
Published by Createspace Independent Publishing Platform on 31/03/2016
Pages: 418

Of course I started The King’s Men as soon as I finished The Raven King. While I’ll admit these books aren’t the best I’ve ever read, they were some of the most addictive books I have ever read. I binge read the whole series, while I normally have to force myself to finish a series, and I just couldn’t put the books down. If I’m not rating these highly, than which books would I? Ratings are mostly about enjoyability for me and these books are just that!

The King’s Men is the darkest book out of the three and I was a bit scared for my faves. I was pretty sure most would come out okay, but they definitely didn’t came out unscathed. It was very satisfying to see the whole team come together to overcome some of the difficulties they faced and to just be there for each other. Also, great to see some people get what they deserved.

The King’s Men is the book where the romance really took off and I had been hoping for this since the first book. I loved reading it and especially loved the fact that the romance didn’t magically fix everything. However, these cuties did help each other to trust again and were there for each other for whatever they needed. This book also shows characters going to therapists and I highly appreciated that. After I finished the series I wanted to start all over and experience it once more <3.

I just have to share all of this extra content on Nora’s Tumblr, I just went down the rabbit hole myself ;).

I just have to share some of the most amazing fan art I’ve ever seen with you all. This artist did an amazing job and this print pack is definitely on my wishlist! She also has a zine for sale and I’m about to order that because I don’t think I can hold back any longer (especially because its free shipping!!). The artists name is Marci and goes by llstarcasterll on Etsy and tumblr. <3

These mini reviews turned a bit longer than expected but I just had to gush for a bit! have you read these books? Do you plan on picking them up? I would love to discuss them in the comments. Also, hit me up with those recommendations!

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