Every year since starting the blog, Isabelle and I think of reading goals for the year. Click here for our 2020 reading goals post. It’s almost April, which means a quarter of the year is almost over. I thought this would be the perfect time for my first reading goals update of the year! Let’s take a look at how I’m doing so far!
I made five reading goals for 2020. That doesn’t seem like a lot, but believe me, I have my work cut out for me, haha.
Goodreads I’m doing good when it comes to my Goodreads challenge. I’ve read 60 books as I’m typing this. I’m 15 books ahead of schedule to reach my goal of 200 books! This definitely makes me happy.
Netgalley My goal for the past two years is to get a feedback ratio of 80% or higher. Unfortunately, I’m failing big timw with this one. When our reading goals post went online, I was at 60%. Between books being read now and being autoapproved by a publisher, I’m down to 55%. I think I need to make a montly Netgalley TBR post to get me going with this one.
Physical TBR/Backlist Books Again, this a goal I’ve set the past few years. Buying books is a hobby itself and I’m good at it, haha. This means books end up sitting on my shelves for quite some time. To get better at this, I set a goal to read at least 50 backlist books. As I’m typing this, I’ve read a total of 6 backlist books. So I have at least 44 to go – about 5 books a month until the end of the year.
ARCs In a way this includes Netgalley, but I also requested a lot of ARCs by joining blog tours last year. I’ve really tried cutting down this year. 2020 didn’t start out great, because I had a lot of them scheduled for the first month of the year. I haven’t signed up for any new blog tours, only for authors I already read for. Out of the 60 books I’ve read, 26 were ARCs. That’s still a lot, but an improvement from last year.
Series I’m good at starting series, but have a habit of not finishing them. Because of this my goal is to finish 12 series I started before 2020. I’ve finished 3 series I started before 2020: Squad Goals, Roommate Duet & Tragic Duet. I’m on track for now.
So this is how I’m doing with my reading goals so far this year. A few are doing really well, others I really need to work on. If you set any reading goals, how are you doing? I’d love to hear what goals you set for yourself in the comments!
You’re doing so well Candyce, this is such a good idea! I wrote some goals in my bullet journal at the start of the year and I’ve only managed one aha! We both need to keep going at this! You’ve already read so many books, yay you!! xx
Thank you <3
We’ll definitely both get there, we still have plenty of time!
60 books so far is awesome! I really need to get myself in gear as my reading so far in 2020 has been way down, seems like. I’m kind of the same way with series, too. I’m great at starting them but sometimes struggle with finishing them!
Hopefully your reading year gets better! I hear a lot of people talking about struggling with finishing series.
So jealous of your 60 books! Good luck hitting your goals!