TTT #124 | Spring 2020 TBR

We have been having fun with Top Ten Tuesday, so we decided we will do one every week. This bookish meme was hosted by The Broke and the Bookish, and has been going since June 2010! Since January 2018 Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.

This week’s topic is your Spring 2020 TBR. I usually don’t make a set TBR, but I do have some books I want to read in the upcoming months. Hopefully this post will remind me to actually do so ;). I picked 5 new releases I want to get to right away and 5 books I already have on my shelves. Let’s take a look at the 10 books I picked for my Spring TBR.

1.The Damned – Renee Ahdieh

I recently shared my review for the first book in this series, The Beautiful. After finishing that first book, I wanted to get my hands on the sequel right away! So you can imagine The Damned is high on my Spring TBR. As soon as it’s released I will get it, and hopefully read it haha.

2. My Calamity Jane – Cynthia Hand, Brodi Ashton & Jodi Meadows

I adored the first two books in the Lady Janies series and have been waiting for this third book for about two years now. And it’s almost time for it to be released!! I truly hope these authors will tackle another famous name after this because they are doing something amazing. But for now I’m just super excited to read My Calamity Jane.

3. The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes – Suzanne Collins

After years and years we’ll be getting a new book in the world of the Hunger Games. The original trilogy was my first encounter with YA so I will forever be grateful to Suzanne. While this story will be different from what we were first hoping for, I’m still excited for it and will definitely read it.

4. Hunting November – Adriana Mather

In Januari I mentioned this one in a Can’t Wait Wednesday post. The release date got moved up and I have been impatiently waiting ever since. I really enjoyed the first book in this series and I’m excited to see where the story takes us. Last year I borrowed Candyce’s copy of Killing November but I plan on getting a copy of both for myself!

5. Network Effect – Martha Wells

This was the book in my latest Can’t Wait Wednesday post. I really liked the first four novella’s about  Murderbot and I can’t wait to read a full length novel about this character. Because I like to be somewhat surprised I haven’t looked at the synopsis yet and I don’t think I will. I hope to read this pretty soon after the release date.

6. A Good Girls’ Guide to Murder – Holly Jackson

This was one of the books I got in my Halloween box! It has been pretty high on my soon to read list since. A couple of days ago I saw another raving review and that was the moment I knew I really had to get to it now. I’m also in the mood for a good YA mystery/thriller now so I hope this one lives up to my expectations.

7. Skyward – Brandon Sanderson

Candyce and I participate in the Cosmerealong and for April and May they have The Final Empire on the schedule. Since we read that one in January, we plan on doing a buddy read of Skyward to stay in the ‘Brandon Sanderson mood’ haha.

8. Ship It – Britta Lundin

With the spring comes a bit of a lighter mood and I think I will be in the mood to read a cute contemporary. This one is set at a comic con and that is currently one of my favorite settings for contemporary stories. The reviews are pretty mixed but I hope I can still enjoy this one.

9. A Curious Beginning – Deanna Raybourn

I started reading this one last year but put it down in favor of something else. What I did read, I enjoyed and I know there are some huge fans out there. I think it might be time to pick it back up and get on the Veronica Speedwell train.

10. Godsgrave – Jay Kristoff

I loved Nevernight this summer and was so happy I finally read it. The initial plan was to immediately  read Godsgrave and Darkdawn but that didn’t happen. I did read the first couple of chapters of Godsgrave and I just need to get back to this series. The world, the characters, the story, I loved all of it and I need more!

These are 10 of the books I hope to read this spring. I haven’t been reading as much as I usually do but hopefully I can get to these books in the coming months. Have you read any of them? Or are you excited to read some of these? Tell me in the comments!

21 thoughts on “TTT #124 | Spring 2020 TBR

    1. Thank you! Me too, hope it’s as good as Killing November was!

  1. Network Effect is probably one of my most anticipated! Same with Hunting November- I LOVED the first one. Great list, plus the Raybourn series I’ve been eyeing those too for a while…

    1. Thank you!! Hope we both love Network Effect and Hunting November but I’m not nervous about that at all. Happy reading!

    1. Thank you! I especially love the naked hardback of Ship It! And yes, I highly recommend the Murderbot ones

    1. I don’t think I’ve spoken to anyone who didn’t like it once they read it, so I have good hopes for us! Fingers crossed <3

  2. I’m totally here for The Damned! I loved the writing in The Beautiful – even though it wasn’t to everyone’s liking – and can’t wait for more, haha.

    Hope you get around to reading Godsgrave! To be honest, I still haven’t picked up Darkdawn. I’m terrified for the pain Kristoff is going to put me through. And we all know he’ll do exactly that. 😛

    Happy reading!

    1. Yes, I love to see more The Beautiful fans!! I can’t blame you for not picking up Darkdawn yet, that it going to be a brutal read for sure!
      Thank you, happy reading to you too!

  3. I also have A Good Girls Guide to Murder on my TBR but I haven’t bought it yet lol. I’ve never heard of Ship It but it looks like it’s right up my alley!

  4. Awesome list! I’m curious about Songbirds And Snakes, I am interested in how she writes the mc! also want to read the Nevernight series and more Brandon Sanderson too! Love the list!! 😊💜

  5. Godsgrave was amazing 😍I’m really looking forward to (finally) reading Skyward and A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder as well. This is a great list and I hope you enjoy all of these books 😀 Happy reading!
    Dini @ dinipandareads recently posted…#WWWWednesday: 18 MarchMy Profile

    1. Thank you!! Happy to hear you loved Godsgrave 😀
      Happy reading and hopefully we both love Skyward & A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder

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