Review| Runaway Road – Devney Perry

As you know, I’m a bit contemporary romance reader. Devney Perry is an author that writes ones that I love to read. So far, she’s made me very happy with the books she’s written. Her next book, Runaway Road, was released a few days ago and I had the chance to read it! So today, I want to tell you what I thought.

A big thanks to the author for providing me with an ARC to read and review!

Review| Runaway Road – Devney Perry

Londyn McCormack didn’t have a typical childhood. She ran away from home at sixteen, escaping parents more interested in drugs than their daughter. She doesn’t have loving siblings or an adorable pet. Her only family is the five other runaway kids who shared her junkyard home.
Life pulled them all in separate directions, taking her to Boston. For a short time, she thought she’d found something permanent. But after a devastating divorce, she’s running away again, this time to find a lost friend. She’s driving across the country in her convertible. As a teenager, the rusty car was her shelter. As an adult, it’s her ride to freedom.
Except one flat tire derails her trip. Her life collides with Brooks Cohen. They walked away from the first crash. The second might destroy them both.

Runaway Road (Runaway, #1) by Devney Perry
on 06/03/2020
Genres: Contemporary Romance
Pages: 256
Format: ARC


Runaway Road had everything I love in romances: a small town, great characters, humor, steamy moments and a story that’s pretty lighthearted. There wasn’t a lot of angst and I read through this book in no time. Devney Perry made me invested in these characters and story and I was sad when it was over.

Londyn leaves Boston, because she doesn’t feel like it’s home and needs something new. She hasn’t had an easy childhood and running seems like something that works for her. Londyn’s story was a heartbreaking one and really makes her easy to understand. When she ends up in a small town, she never thought she’d end up finding home. I loved seeing her slowly open herself up to Brooks and the town. Londyn just needed the right person and place.

“Don’t forget me,” I whispered. I’d been forgotten by too many people. I couldn’t bear the idea of Brooks forgetting me too. “I’ll remember you until the end, Londyn.” Brooks ran his knuckles along my cheek, leaving a trail of sparks on my skin. “Until the end.” I rose up and fused our mouths, giving him everything I had and trusting him with all my broken pieces.”

Brooks definitely deserves a spot on the book boyfriend list. He’s a hardworker, caring, protective and a true gentleman. Brooks isn’t really looking for love and is happy. I love how genuine he seemed. He’s a family man and so polite. Not many people would buy a cellphone for a stranger, because he was worried what would happen. I loved that he opened up his heart even though he knew it was going to be broken when Londyn took off.

Londyn and Brooks had an instant connection, but I loved that they didn’t just jump into everything. Even if they kind of did, because the book only covers a few weeks, but it doesn’t feel this way. They slowly get to know each other and their connection jumps right off the page. It really seems like they were just waiting for the other one. Both characters are independent, but makes the other just a little bit better. Their romance left a smile on my face.

I definitely see myself rereading this one in the future! I love when a book just hits you in the right way. Devney Perry definitely gives us characters I won’t easily forget.

Runaway Road was a good book and I can’t wait to read Gemma’s story. Have you ever been on a road trip? Let me know in the comments.

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