As a reader, it’s always amazing when you can meet the person behind the books that you’ve come to love. Being in the Netherlands we don’t always get a lot of authors here. Sometimes we’re lucky, like we were last Sunday! Publishing companies organized YALFU and V.E. Schwab was one of the visitiors! Today we want to talk about this event!
I was really excited for Sunday and couldn’t wait to go. Not only did I get to meet an author I love (even though I haven’t read all of her books yet), but I got to spend time with my amazing friends! The day started out with a fun car ride and lunch, so we would be ready for the day!
The event started out with an interview with a few Dutch authors (Rima Orie, Astrid Boonstoppel and Daniëlle Bakhuis). They also invited the Italian author Enrico Galiano. I personally don’t read Dutch, but it was a lot of fun hearing them talk about their stories and how they feel about writing. I did feel bad for Enrico though. It was clear he was having a hard time speaking English and he wanted to tell us so much. I really think they should’ve given him a translator.
Then after that, the event most of us were waiting for! V.E. Schwab. She was really sweet and felt really genuine. I definitely had a smile on my face listening to her talk about her books and writing process. For an author that’s an introvert, I think it’s amazing she actually went on tour for seven weeks. I can’t imagine being away from home that long for something like this!
It was so interesting to hear how characters were all a part of her and how she writes. I thought it was interesting to hear that she almost stopped writing a few years ago after writing books she thought people wanted from her. It wasn’t until she wrote for herself, that she was truly happy. Also, the way she was talking about her character in Vicious and Vengeful, made me want to pick up the books right then and there, haha.
After the interview, it was time for the signing! We were allowed to bring three books with us. She personalized one book and just signed the other two (that’s why I don’t have the pictures here). It was fun meeting her and talking to her. She said she had read Red, White and Royal Blue (I loved that book, so that was fun to hear).
The signing could’ve been arranged better though. They had two time slots, which didn’t seem to even work, because there was no one checking it. When we got our books signed, it was five o’clock (that’s when the signing was supposed to be over) and there was still such a long line! Because everything was taking so long, we couldn’t take pictures with her, but I did get a shot or two.
I wish I would’ve recorded the interview, because she said so many fun things. If you have a chance to meet this author, definitely do. She’s really down to earth and just genuinely a nice person! I’m so happy she came here and I had this opportunity. The books I haven’t read by her are definitely being bumped on my TBR, haha.
What a day! As soon as I heard Victoria was coming to the Netherlands I knew I had to get tickets. I love Victoria’s imagination, she comes up with such interesting worlds. There are still a couple of her books on my TBR but I have read 9 so far and one more on my shelves. If I’m being honest, I wasn’t really interested in the other authors attending haha. They were definitely interesting to listen to but for me the day was all about V.E. Schwab.
After a little break the interview with Victoria started and like Candyce said, I wish I had recorded it! I LOVED listening to her and could’ve done so for hours. She has such a way with words and I almost started tearing up just because she talks so beautifully. I also adore her voice, it’s soothing and wonderful to listen to.
Victoria told us about wanting her readers to assume something about her characters and to than slowly during the series turn that assumption on its head. I really liked that and can’t wait to start a new book by her to see if I can figure out where something happens to make me change my mind. She also told us her mother had someone make a prophecy about her before she was born and that she was either going to be a writer or a cult leader. I think we can agree she is close to becoming both 😉
we both look so forced hahahaha
There were some stands selling bookish merch but with my one track mind I kinda forgot about all of that haha. I did buy one book, you were allowed to bring 3 books for Victoria’s signing but one of my friends forgot her own books so I was able to get two more signed. While I already listened to Tunnel of Bones I didn’t own it yet so this was the perfect opportunity. And I had brought my Shades of Magic comic with me as well just in case I could slip in a fourth haha. So I ended up with 5 signed copies and two of them are personalized. <3
It was quite a long wait and my leg was killing me by the time I came home but to me it was all worth it. I absolutely loved meeting Victoria and if I ever get another chance I will for sure go again. She was also super nice while signing the book and even though we weren’t allowed to do a posed pic because of the time she still looked up and smiled to the camera. You can see her smile is a bit constrained and she told me her cheeks were hurting from smiling all afternoon haha.
my very excited face haha
This was a lot of fun and we hope more authors come to The Netherlands! At least we got to check off V.E. Schwab on our want to meet list! Have you met any of your favorite authors? We’d love to know!
Looks like it was a great day out 😀
It really was!
I am so incredibly jealous! I haven’t read any of her books but she just seems like such an awesome author!
Caffeinated Fae recently posted…WWW Wednesday | 10.16.2019
She really is amazing! We would highly recommend picking up a book of hers 😉 Let us know if you want a recommendation on where to start 😀
I think I saw you both real quick before the interviews started. I was also much earlier in line than you, as we were still allowed to take a quick pic. I am glad you guys enjoyed it just as much as I did!
Esmée recently posted…Review | The Steel Prince by V.E. Schwab & Andrea Olimpieri (Shades of Magic Vol. 1)
Happy to hear you enjoyed it as much as we did! And glad that you did get to take a quick pic. She was super sweet because she would look up if she realized someone was trying to take a pic. Sad we didn’t get to talk!