Buddyreview | Lady Midnight – Cassandra Clare

We have been talking about buddy reading Lady Midnight and Lord of Shadows this year before the release of the last book in this trilogy. Our buddyread just happened to start a bit sooner when our friend Melissa from Melissa’s Fandomworld suggested we all read them together! This is a good thing, because we probably wouldn’t have started reading them so soon!

So today we want to share our review of Lady Midnight. With the release of Queen of Air and Darkness, this week is going to be The Dark Artifices week on the blog! Let’s start with this review!

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How I Met My Book #9 | Lady Midnight – Cassandra Clare

We were looking for something to post on Sundays when we don’t have anything planned. Then I saw a post on Early Bookish Bird‘s blog and it seemed like the perfect fit. She started #howimetmybook so we’re alternating between #howimetmybook and Down the TBR hole on Sundays from now on!

In this post we tell the story behind our books. The following questions will be answered: Where did we get the book? Why did we pick it up? What made us pick it up in the first place? Continue reading “How I Met My Book #9 | Lady Midnight – Cassandra Clare”