My last Show Sunday was about the upcoming fall shows I’m excited for. And because there were so many I decided to stick to the September and October releases. So today I wanted to share the excited releases of November and December. Turns out, some shows got delayed and there aren’t as many releases in those two months as there were supposed to be haha. I do still have 4, so let’s dive in!
Continue reading “Show Sunday | Upcoming 2023 Fall TV Shows I’m Excited For Part 2”
Tag: Fall 2023
Show Sunday | Upcoming 2023 Fall TV Shows I’m Excited For
Summer break is over and fall is coming. And we all know what that means; the fall tv shows are about to premiere! I of course had a look and watched trailers for the new, upcoming shows. And I actually had a lot of shows I want to give a try. So today I’ll share the September and October new tv shows I’m excited for. Let’s jump in!
Continue reading “Show Sunday | Upcoming 2023 Fall TV Shows I’m Excited For”