We have a lot of eARC’s and we want to promote them a little bit more. So we decided to do some more Bookish Beginnings On Friday. Today I wanted to share the beginning of Silvercloak by Laura Steven. As you might know, I love Laura Steven and I’m so excited about all the books she has coming out. Let’s see how Silvercloak starts!
A dark and addictive epic fantasy series begins, set in a corrupt world where magic is fueled by pleasure and pain, in this first installment of the Silvercloak Saga.
The Killorans’ front door changed colour depending upon who knocked. Sky blue for a charming acquitnanct, heart-red for a lover present, past or future. Clover green for a spiteful enemy, or a rich, jammy plum for an old friend. Mustard yellow for family, and, due to a slight inaccuracy with the spellwork, travelling salesman.
The day the Bloodmoons paid a visit, the door turned back as the bottom of a well.
Okay, this is a good start! I immediately want to keep on reading and know more about the magic system, the characters and the story. This is the way to get me invested right away. I don’t think I have read a true fantasy book like this by Laura Steven and I’m so curious to see how she’ll handle it. There isn’t really a synopsis yet, or at least not one that tells us anything. So I don’t really know where the story will take us but I’m ready to be surprised!
I want to read this one really soon, I already read the first chapter because I couldn’t put it down after reading those first few sentences. Are you excited about this release? And what do you think of those first sentences? Would you pick up this book based on the first line? I would love to hear from you!