We have been having fun with Top Ten Tuesday, so we decided we will do one every week. This bookish meme was hosted by The Broke and the Bookish, and has been going since June 2010! Since January 2018 Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.
This week’s topic is New-to-Me Authors I Discovered in 2024. I only read from 8 new to me authors in 2024, but I will share all of them! So let’s jump in.
1. Celia Martinez
I loved Celia’s poems on TikTok and I’m so glad I bought her poetry collection early 2024. After reading the first one, I had to get the second one as well. And as soon as she comes out with another one, I will buy it right away!
2. Rebecca Yarros
This author had been on my to read list for years and years. A ton of my romance reading friends adore her work and I’ve had a book by her on my shelves for years. After hearing so much about Fourth Wing, I caved this year and have sine become part of the fandom haha.
3. Hannah Nicole Maehrer
I read Assistant to the Villain this year and laughed out loud so many times. The sequel is already waiting on my bedside table until I pick it up and I am sure I will pick up whatever Hannah comes out with next.
4. Jesse Q. Sutanto
I was so surprised to learn it was in 2024 that I first picked up a Jesse Q. Sutanto book! This year I read all three Aunties books. but I was so sure I read the first one earlier than that haha.
5. Shalini Boland
I read the Honey Moon as that book was recommended by someone. It was an enjoyable read and I wouldn’t mind picking up another book by this author but I don’t think I will go out of my way to pick one up.
6. Caroline Peckham & Susanne Valenti
Technically these are 2 authors of course but I figured this duo counted as one. I have read 3 books by them now and I have a ton to go haha. Up until just now I didn’t even know if they wrote anything apart from each other (according to Goodreads they have haha). While I do want to read more of what they wrote together, I don’t think I’m interested in the books they wrote themselves before Zodiac Academy.
7. Sarah A. Parker
I read and loved When the Moon Hatched and I’m looking forward to the sequel. Sarah has written a trilogy before but I don’t think I’ll pick that one up. I will be interested in seeing what Sarah writes next though!
8. Sebastien de Castell
I have had Sebastien’s Spellslinger series on my TBR for such a long time! The last days of 2024 I finally read the first book and I really enjoyed it. I already own the second book in the series and I’m confident I will want to read more from him!
These were the 8 (technically 9) new to me authors I read in 2024. I will for sure pick up more books by most of these authors! Have you read books by any of these authors? Would you read more by them? I would love to hear from you!
My 24-year-old daughter is obsessed with the Fourth Wing series, so you’re not alone. And I love the Aunties books!
Here is our Top Ten Tuesday. Thank you.
I’ll have to look up Martinez’s poems!
Sutanto’s books sound really fun. I need to give them a go one of these days! Glad you found some great new authors to love in 2024.
Happy TTT!