WWW Wednesday #76

It’s Wednesday, so time for a new WWW Wednesday to talk about my reading progress and plans. I really love these posts and talking more about what I’m reading before the monthly wrap up. Even if my reading plans change I like thinking about what I’m going to read!

So it’s time for my next WWW Wednesday. This is a weekly meme hosted by Taking On a World of Words and you participate by simply answering three questions:

  • What did you recently finish reading?
  • What are you currently reading?
  • What do you think you’ll read next?

What did you recently finish reading?

Reckless – Elsie Silver

I’ve been binging the Chestnut Springs series and loving every minute of it! So far they’ve all been five star reads. Reckless is Winter and Theo’s story and while I’m not normally a accidental pregnancy fan, I couldn’t put this one down. Both Theo and Winter got the story they deserved!

The Legacies – Jessica Goodman

I was so excited for The Legacies, because a thriller with secret societies and lots of secrets always calls to me! The story started out pretty strong for me. I was interested to see who ended up dead and the after the ball parts of the story really kept you wondering who didn’t make it. We definitely got lots of drama and secrets, but I do feel like the drama took over the wanting to find out what went on with the murder. Also, while I love multiple POVs, I still often felt we really didn’t get to know the characters if that makes sense. The Legacies kept my interest enough to finish, but unfortunately wasn’t my favorite.

What are you currently reading?

Bourbon & Secrets – Victoria Wilder

Boubon & Secrets is the sequel to Bourbon & Lies that I’ve been anxiously awaiting. This family is one I would definitely want to belong to. At the moment I’ve read  25% and I’m loving Lincoln and Faye. I can’t wait to see their story develop.

Unsteady – Peyton Corinne

Unsteady is a book I’ve seen around and as a sports romance fan I was really curious. After receiving an eARC of the sequel coming out in a couple of months, it was time to read Unsteady. So far I’m loving it, but feel for both of our characters. I’d be surprised if this one didn’t have me in tears before the end.

What do you think you’ll read next?

Romantic Comedy – Curtis Sittenfeld

A book with a main character who is any type of writer always catches my eye. The synopsis of this kind of reminds me of Saturday Night Live. I have a feeling this is going to be a lot more than a romance.

The Lodge – Kayla Olson

The Lodge seems to be a perfect book for this time of year. I love the fact the main character is an author and that it takes place in the winter. This book releases on January 7th, but I was lucky to receive an eARC. I’m excited about reading this one.


So that’s my WWW Wednesday for this week! What have you been reading lately? Let me know in the comments. I’d love to hear from you.

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