Show Sunday | First Impression: Allegiance

I was trying to watch the newest Criminal Minds episode but I ran into some issues, and all of a sudden I came across Allegiance. It looked pretty interesting so I figured I would give it a try. And today I want to share my first impression with you all. So let’s jump in!
A rookie agent working in Surrey, her hometown, who faces the limits of the judicial system as she battles to exonerate her politician father.

I first have to say, I thought this would take place in the UK because of Surrey and I was so confused about the accents. Turns out this takes place in Canada! Which was already interesting right away as I don’t watch that many shows set in Canada.

I love a good cop show, especially when we get to see everything through the eyes of a rookie. The show started off really good with an intriguing mystery involving our main character’s father. I’m really curious as to what’s going on there. It seems pretty obvious that he’s being framed, but is it too obvious? Or are they going to give us a compelling answer.

Apart from the main ‘mystery’ there is also a case of the week. So far they were really interesting and I enjoyed watching them. I will say, Sabrina seems a bit too perfect. She has the perfect insight every time and does something that breaks protocol but is still the right call. It doesn’t seem realistic to me and I think I will bug me if it keeps going like that. But we will see about that after a few more episodes!

For now I really enjoy this show and I quickly watched the first 4 episodes. Hopefully the show will keep being engaging and we’ll get a good and satisfying end to the mystery surrounding Sabrina’s father. Have you watched this show? What did you think of it? Let me know down below!

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