As you might know, I adore the All For the Game series. While I know it has issues, I’m just addicted to it and love it faults and all. So of course I was incredibly excited when there was mention of a fourth book in the series. I somehow missed the release date until Candyce reminded me that the book was out. So I immediately got a copy through Kindle and started reading the book. And today I want to share my thoughts with you all, so let’s get into it!
My name is Jean Moreau. My place is at Evermore. I belong to the Moriyamas.
It is a truth Jean has built his life around, a reminder this is the best he can hope for and all he deserves. But when he is stolen from Edgar Allan University and sold to a more dangerous master, Jean is forced to contend with a life outside of the Nest for the first time in five years. The Foxes call his transfer to California a fresh start; Jean knows it is little more than a golden cage.
Captain Jeremy Knox is facing his final year with the USC Trojans and fifth straight year falling short of the championships trophy he desperately craves. Taking in the nation’s best defenseman is a no-brainer, even if that man is a Raven. But Jean is no monster, just a man with no hope or desire for a future, and when Evermore's collapse starts dragging Jean's hideous secrets to light, Jeremy is forced to contend with the cost of victory.
The Sunshine Court (All for the Game) by Nora Sakavic
on 13/04/2024
While the original trilogy was all about Neil Josten, this one is about Jean and Jeremy. We’ve met both before but I wasn’t sure how I would feel about them. Jean was part of the Ravens and wasn’t great to Neil when he was at Evermore to say the least. And while Jeremy was all smiles and sunshine when we saw him at the USC game, it was too short to really say anything about him.
“I don’t believe in miracles,” Jean said. “I have enough faith for us both,” Renee promised”
I loved that we got a dual POV this time and experience the story through both Jean and Jeremy, I think that was the perfect decision. We slowly got to know both characters better and better and I started to really appreciate them. While they’re not my favorites in this universe, I do really like them and I can’t wait to read more about them.
The story moves a bit slowly but I enjoyed that a lot. I will say, I was really scared for a bit that the ending would be super rushed as I hadn’t seen anything about more books yet. But since finishing the book I saw that we are getting at least one more book (and possibly towards the end of this year already!). I’m really grateful for that because it would be a crime to leave us hanging like that.
“Friends, he thought again, and this time it almost felt real.”
That little list Jean is making throughout the story really captured my heart and I might’ve shed a tear or two at the final sentence. It truly was the perfect ending to this book. But like I said, we definitely need another book. There are still things to resolve and we didn’t dive that deep into Jeremy’s personal life. And there was clearly a lot going on there. So I would love to explore that part of the story in the next book. Also, we got some Exy practices but I want a game!! That better be part of the next book haha.
I haven’t mentioned them yet, but Laila and Cat are amazing. They were my favorite characters in this book for sure. I loved them together and I loved how they took in Jean. Xavier was only featured briefly but I liked his character a lot as well. Hopefully we’ll get to see more of him in the next book. I also loved the cameo’s we got. The original character are simply amazing.
I can’t wait for the next book, but I think that was clear from my review haha. Like with the original trilogy, there are a ton of trigger warnings so be aware of that before going in. Also, my copy had a lot of spelling and grammar mistakes. But other than that, I loved the story! Have you read this one yet? What did you think? Let me know in the comments down below!