I recently finished reading Haikyu, a bittersweet feeling. Not too long ago I did a review on the whole high school arc of the series and today I wanted to do a review on the rest of the series. I wasn’t sure what to call this arc so I just went with the after high school arc haha. Let’s just jump in! Continue reading “Review | Haikyu! ; the after high school arc – Haruichi Furudate”
Tag: Sports Fiction
Review | The Sunshine Court – Nora Sakavic
As you might know, I adore the All For the Game series. While I know it has issues, I’m just addicted to it and love it faults and all. So of course I was incredibly excited when there was mention of a fourth book in the series. I somehow missed the release date until Candyce reminded me that the book was out. So I immediately got a copy through Kindle and started reading the book. And today I want to share my thoughts with you all, so let’s get into it!
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Review | Fence vol. 5: Rise – C.S. Pacat & Johanna the Mad
This won’t be a super long review as I’ll be talking about a graphic novel that has 112 pages. But I couldn’t not talk about it! I recently found out there was a volume 5 of Fence, released more than 2 years after volume 4…. Of course I had to get it right away! I tried to pace myself and not read it right away but I have finished it in no time and will tell you about it today! So let’s dive in.
Continue reading “Review | Fence vol. 5: Rise – C.S. Pacat & Johanna the Mad”
Bookish Item | Sports Fiction I Want to Read
Recently I reread (and loved) the All For the Game series and it reminded me how much I love reading about sports in books. It doesn’t matter whether it’s real sports or an invented sport I just want it in there. So I decided to take a look at the sports books I want to read. Let’s jump in!
Continue reading “Bookish Item | Sports Fiction I Want to Read”