Bookish Item| New to Me Authors I Need to Read

Recently I posted about new to me authors I need to read more of, but since then I’ve added some authors to my list that I really want to give a try! I’ve started reading new genres and types of books I haven’t picked up before. Let’s talk about a few of them and the books I need to try!

The Confidence of Wildflowers – Micalea Smeltzer

The Confidence of Wildflowers is the first book of a duet I’ve been seeing everywhere. A lot of people seem to be loving the first book a lot, but are less impressed with the sequel. I believe this one has a bit of an age gap and that’s not something I’ve read before. Why do all of these books have stunning covers?!?

Broken Bonds – J. Bree

Another series with amazing covers and one that’s gotten a lot of love from people I know on bookstagram. A reverse harem paranormal romance. That sounds interesting. Four out of five books are now out, so I have quite a bit to read!

The Never King – Nikki St. Crowe

A dark retelling of Peter and Wendy! That definitely caught my attention. I’ve seen quite a few positive reviews and I’m just really curious. The Never King is under 200 pages, so it’s one to fit in between a couple of reads.

Gild – Raven Kennedy

The Plated Prisoner is a series I’ve heard many mixed reviews about. It seems like you either love it or hate it. If I’m honest the covers are what caught my attention. Recently some people I’m in a group with on bookstagram have been raving about this series. I know it’s not always easy to read, but I’m curious. Recently a publisher in the UK picked these up to print them. They release this month, so I may just have to order the first one.

I’m sure there are many more that I could put down here, but here are the first four that pop to mind. Have you read any dark romances? Any you think I should try? Let me know in the comments, because I’m always looking for new recommendations.

2 thoughts on “Bookish Item| New to Me Authors I Need to Read

  1. Wow – the cover of Broken Bonds is gorgeous! And I love the idea of a reverse harem – I might have to add that to my TBR.
    Paige S recently posted…WahalaMy Profile

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