Bookish Item | More Authors on My TBR I Want to Try

About two months ago I wrote a post about some of the authors on my TBR I really wanted to try. I’m ashamed to say I still haven’t read any of their books haha. But I do have another list of authors on my TBR I want to read haha. These are all books I’m quite excited for and I hope to pick these books up soon!

Sébastien de Castell

I’ve had this book for over 2,5 years now and I’m still super excited for it. There is absolutely no reason for it to still be unread and I really want to read it. Maybe this post is the thing that will help me pick it up soon. I’ve heard great things about the series and really like the covers haha.

Robin Hobb
Assassin’s Apprentice

This is such a classic fantasy series by a great fantasy author. So I’m ashamed to say I’ve never read anything written by Robin Hobb. Of course this needs to change haha. I have a pretty extensive list of adult fantasy I want to read and this is definitely high up that list!

Christina Henry
Alice / Red Queen / Lost Boy

Christina Henry has been on my shelves for a couple of years now! I love the look of these books and I think they all sound really cool. But they might also be a bit scary and I have to be in the mood for that haha. I do hope I will enjoy Christina’s writing because I have three books to read haha.

Rebecca Yarros
Full Measures / Eyes Turned Skyward

I HATE these covers haha. A couple of years I ago I won these dutch editions of Rebecca Yarros’ books in a giveaway and I was pretty excited to pick them up. My friends adore Rebecca Yarros and have been yelling at me to finally read these haha. I think it’s a combination of the books being in Dutch, the covers being horrible and my expectations of a cry fest that have stopped me from reading them.

Mark Lawrence
Red Sister

This is probably the book I got the most recent, although it’s been almost a year haha. I am super excited for this, everyone seems to love this series. It’s another adult fantasy and the reviews are amazing. Red Sister has some tropes I adore and I think I will love this series. The only negative thing here is the recent criticism of Mark Lawrence. But I already own the book so I will be reading it at some point.

These are 5 authors I have on my TBR I really want to try. I think these might all be authors (and books) I really enjoy and I’m very excited! Have you read any of these books or other books by these authors? Which should I pick up first? Let me know in the comments!

2 thoughts on “Bookish Item | More Authors on My TBR I Want to Try

  1. I got Spellslinger and some of the Christina Henry books still unread on my tbr. I really should get to those too, I’m just not really motivated to read at the moment. But I’m sure you can do it!

    1. Thank you! I hope to read (and love) them soon! Will definitely share my thoughts once I read them. I plan on reading Spellslinger next month, hopefully I manage to actually do it haha.

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