Bookhaul | March 2020

Another month is over and it’s time to show you what books we added to our collections! It was our birthday month, did that influence how many books we got? Or did we behave? Haha. Let’s take a look at our March bookhaul!


After February being an okay month, March was definitely a crazy month for me with books, haha. Luckily I received a few of these for my birthday, got birthday money and even had a publisher send me a book. March was definitely a good bookish month for me. Let’s see what I got!

The Library of the Unwritten – A.J. Hackwith

First of all, I have to say I was really shocked when I got home one day and found an envelope from Titan Books. I’d say about a month ago I saw a Tweet that they were looking for reviewers for a The Library of the Unwritten. That’s a book that’s been everywhere, so of course I couldn’t say no. I can’t wait to read it.

Dance of Despair – Kara S. Weaver

A good friend of mine wrote her first book last year, Crown of Conspiracy, and I loved it. I still need to write my review (I should be ashamed!). Dance of Despair is the second book in her series and I got a signed copy from her. It’s so good and my review for this will be up soon!

I couldn’t think of what I wanted for my birthday, so my boyfriend helped make me a backdrop for my mini photostudio and he gave me five books!

Havenfall – Sara Holland

Even though I still haven’t read Everless, I couldn’t help but asking for this one. A friend of mine had the chance to read and ARC and really enjoyed it. Havenfall seems to be like a book I know I’ll love. Also, look at how pretty the cover is.

The Girl Who Could Move Sh*t With Her Mind – Jackson Ford

Okay, for the first time I have a title buy instead of a cover buy, haha. I remember watching a video on booktube that a friend posted and she bought this book. She really enjoyed it and I definitely became curious. At the moment, I’m about 100 pages in and really liking it!

A Pinch of Magic & A Sprinkle of Sorcery – Michelle Harrison

I’ve been seeing these two middle grade books everywhere online lately and they sound really fun. Add really pretty covers and I’m sold. May is middle grade May, so I hope to read these then!

Everyday Angel – Victoria Schwab

Victoria Schwab is an autobuy author for me, so I was shocked when I first learned about this bundle. Everyday Angel has all three books of her first middle grade trilogy. They sound really cute and I love the cover.

This month there were also two books that I preordered as soon as I could. Both of these are on my most anticipated releases list and they’re finally here!!

House of Earth and Blood – Sarah J. Maas

Sarah J Maas is one of my favorite authors and House of Earth and Blood is one I’ve wanted to read since I knew it was coming. I’m currently buddyreading this one and I just can’t get enough. When starting this book I tried going in without a lot of expectations, because I knew it would be different than her other series. It hasn’t disappointed me yet.

Chain of Gold – Cassandra Clare

Chain of Gold is the newest book in the Shadowhunter world and a spin off of The Infernal Devices. That’s my favorite trilogy in this whole world, so I need this book. She doesn’t seem to write small books and that makes me very happy. I’ll be reading Chain of Gold very soon!!

Also, Isabelle and I are participating in the Magical Readathon in April to get our O.W.L.s. I ordered a couple books to read for a few of the prompts. Getting a gift card and birthday money really worked out well this month, haha.

The Merciful Crow – Margaret Owen

There was a prompt for a book that started with M. When I was looking at the recommendations list, The Merciful Crow caught my eye. A few of my friends really loved this book. The sequel releases later this year, so it’s the perfect time to try this one.

Fence Vol. 1 – C.S. Pacat

Isabelle is a big fan of this series and I’ve been wanting to give it a try. A prompt for this readathon is a book under 150 pages. A graphic novel is perfect for this, so I ordered the first volume of Fence.

The rest of these books I bought with my birthday money. I won’t be doing a haul like this for a long time, haha. Let’s take a look at the rest.

The Near Witch – V.E. Schwab

Like I said, this author is an autobuy author for me. The Near Witch isn’t a new release, but the paperback is new. I knew after seeing this one I needed to have it. Look at how pretty it is!!

The Kingdom of Back – Marie Lu

The Kingdom of Back was kind of an impulse buy for me. The day before I visited my favorite bookstore, a friend and I talked about this book. When I saw it and read the synopsis again, I wanted to give it a go. I’ve only read one book by this author, but really enjoyed it.

Deadly First Day – Emily Kazmierski

After having an ARC of this and really enjoying it, I wanted a physical copy. The sequel is coming out next month, so it’s the perfect time to reread Deadly First Day. Maybe I’ll see things I didn’t see the first time around.

Undercover Bromance – Lyssa Kay Adams

Undercover Bromance is another anticipated release of mine!! The Bromance Book Club was amazing and has become one of my favorite books. I’m really hoping Undercover Bromance is just as good. The author also just announced another three books in this series releasing in 2021. I’m so happy about that!!

Only Mostly Devestated – Sophie Gonzales

As a contemporary lover, I couldn’t resist this book when I read how it was pitched. Only Mostly Devestated is pitched as “SIMON VS. THE HOMO SAPIENS AGENDA meets CLUELESS in this boy-meets-boy spin on Grease“. How can I say no to that?!? I’m hoping it lives up to my expectations.

Wildcard – Marie Lu

I’m actually really shocked I haven’t added this one to my shelves sooner. Warcross was a book I really enjoyed and read really quickly. A friend is organizing a buddy read in April, so I can finally finish this duology.

The Love Hypothesis – Laura Steven

Laura Steven is another author who has become an autobuy author. After The Exact Opposite of Okay, I knew I needed everything she writes. The Love Hypothesis is her newest book and I can’t wait to read it.

Comics Will Break Your Heart – Faith Erin Hicks

Another book I’ve been wanting to read for awhile. I finally found Comics Will Break Your Heart in paperback. I was so happy. Books involving books, comics or anything that has to do with that are books I need to read.

Slay – Brittney Morris

Even though I don’t game, I do like reading books where characters are a fan. A few of my friends read Slay and really enjoyed it and I think I will as well.

Brave Chef Brianna – Sam Sykes

After watching a booktube video, my boyfriend was looking up this author’s work. That’s when he stumbled upon the graphic novel Brave Chef Brianna. It looked really cute. Unfortunately it only has one volume, but I’m glad I added it to my collection!


After being a really good girl last month, I did spend quite some money on books this month. There were two new releases I had to get right away, I did have a gift card I used to buy two books and I just ordered three more because I really wanted to. I probably won’t be buying anymore books in the coming months as I don’t really have an income at the moment because of the crisis. For now, let’s take a look at the new beauties on my shelves!

Dance of Despair – Kara S. Weaver

I haven’t read the first book yet, and yes I am ashamed of that fact. But Kara is a friend of mine and of course I want to support her! I plan on reading Crown of Conspiracy in the coming months and I believe I will be happy I have to sequel to devour right after finishing book 1.

House of Earth and Blood – Sarah J. Maas

Candyce and I are currently doing a buddy read of this one! We are big SJM fans, it’s actually how we met. So of course we were extremely excited to read her newest book. We just passed the halfway point and so far I love it! I’m also very happy with my beautiful Waterstones edition.

The Priory of the Orange Tree – Samantha Shannon

I hadn’t planned on buying this one right now, but I did have a giftcard and I came across it for a pretty decent price. This is such a big book! I love the cover and I’m glad I own a copy. But I don’t think I’ll read it anytime soon to be honest haha.

Arcanum Unbounded – Brandon Sanderson

For the Cosmerealong we also plan on reading all the short stories set in the Cosmere-verse. So I wanted to get this bind up of all the novellas/short stories. I’m really enjoying this universe Brandon Sanderson created so it’s nice to have this bind up.

The Test – Sylvain Neuvel

I love the synopsis for this one and really wanted to read it. So when one of the prompts for the Magical Readathon asked for a short book, I seized the opportunity to buy this one haha. I had trouble not reading it before the readathon started but now I can finally dive in!

The Merciful Crow – Margaret Owen

I’ve heard great things about this one! And since I was already ordering books… The hardcover was listed for a very decent price so I just went for it haha. I hope this one lives up to my expectations! It’s on my TBR for the Magical Readathon so I plan on reading it this month.

This Is How You Lose the Time War – Amal El-Mohtar & Max Gladstone

I was already checking out The Test and The Merciful Crow when Amazon shoved this one in my face. And since I really wanted this one, I couldn’t stop myself from adding it to my order. Oops! It’s another pretty short one so I think I’ll finish it in one sitting. And hopefully that will happen soon!

So these are the books we added to our collections this month. We’d love to know what you thought of any of these if you’ve had to chance to read them. Also, what books did you get this month? Let us know in the comments!

7 thoughts on “Bookhaul | March 2020

  1. You both got some wonderful books this month! I’ve read a few and really loved them, I can’t wait to get to some others on your lists that I’ve gotten lately too! I’m looking forward to seeing what you think of these! xx

    1. Isabelle is waiting for the paperback edition that matches the rest of her Shadowhunter books 😉

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