Bookish Item | Book Beginnings on Friday: Foul is Fair – Hannah Capin

It’s been a month since our last Book Beginnings on Friday and I thought I would give it another go! This meme was created by Rose City Reader. The idea is to post the first sentence or so of the book you’re currently reading. After that you talk about your initial thoughts about the sentence, book or anything to do with that. I don’t know how often we will do this, but it seems like fun from time to time. Today’s book is Foul is Fairby HannahCapin.

Sweet sixteen is when the claws come out.

We’re all flash tonight. Jenny and Summer and Mads and me. Vodka and heels we could never quite walk in before, but tonight we can. Short skirts – the shortest. Glitter and highlight. Matte and shine. Long hair and the whitest-white teeth.

Isabelle actually inspired my post today. Foul is Fair releases in January and we were both lucky to get an ARC of this book. Thank you Netgalley and the publisher. She started reading this one this week and couldn’t put it down. Even though I’m in the middle of reading a few other books, it’s very tempting to pick this one up right away.

I decided to show you a little more than the first sentence, because I definitely think this is going to set the vibe of the book. In all honesty, the first few sentences kind of give me a Gossip Girl vibe. Reading the blurb also makes me think of Cruel Intentions when it comes to talking about revenge.

All I know, is that I can’t wait to dive in! I think I’ll be waiting until this weekend though, because Isabelle couldn’t put it down. I want to make sure I can read it in one go if I need to. Have you heard about this one yet? Do you plan on reading it once it releases? Let me know in the comments!

2 thoughts on “Bookish Item | Book Beginnings on Friday: Foul is Fair – Hannah Capin

    1. That’s what I’m thinking. I plan on starting to read it later today.

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