Bookish Item | 20 Books I Want to Read Before 2020

Last year I did a post about 19 books I wanted to read before 2019, and earlier this week I gave an update about how many I ended up reading. With about 20 weeks to go until the end of the year, I thought it would be fitting to do a 20 before 2020. This list is a mix of books that I preordered, new releases I expect to buy or will hopefully pop up on Storytel, ones that are already on Storytel and ones already on my shelves!

1.Five Dark Fates – Kendare Blake

I adore the Three Dark Crowns series so much and I think the last book set us up for an epic finale. No one appears to be safe and I can’t wait for what’s to come. I will be getting this one as soon as it comes out and plan on reading it right away.

2. Bloodwitch – Susan Dennard

I’m ashamed I haven’t read this one yet and really plan on doing so soon. This is such a wonderful series and I have heard a lot of good things about this third installment! I hope we have an official publication date for book 4 soon because I’m pretty sure I’ll need it right away.

3. A Girl Called Shameless – Laura Steven

Another one I should’ve really read already. And I did start it already but I just have way to many interesting books. I adored the first book so much and might have unrealistically high expectations…

4. Gideon the Ninth – Tamsyn Muir

This is an highly anticipated release for me and I will probably read it as soon as my copy arrived. I ordered a bookbox I’m positive will contain this book and I’m super excited. It has received glowing reviews and sounds like it will be right up my alley.

5. Godsgrave & Darkdawn – Jay Kristoff

Godsgrave lays on my nightstand and will be one of the first books I’m picking up one I finish my current reads. And then I will be ready for Darkdawn! I just ordered the Illumicrate special edition box because I’m weak and I just couldn’t resist it.

6. Ninth House – Leigh Bardugo

Leigh Bardugo is one of my favorite authors and I already preordered Ninth House. This is an adult book and I think a lot of people might go in with the wrong expectations but I love the sound of the synopsis and am super excited.

7. Escaping From Houdini & Capturing the Devil – Kerri Maniscalco

Last week I preordered Capturing the Devil after seeing it for a great price. I’m a little bitter that the preorder campaign is only for the USA but I guess I should be used to that by now. These books are perfect for fall so I think I will read both in October.

8. Crown of Conspiracy – Kara S. Weaver

My wonderful friend wrote this one!! And I’m ashamed to admit I haven’t read it yet. It’s on my nightstand so I do really plan on reading it soon. There’s no way I won’t be reading it before the year is over.

9. The Dragon Republic – R.F. Kuang

I just finished The Poppy War and boy am I happy I got an earc for the Dragon Republic (yes I know it’s out already). The Poppy War was so brutal (you can expect my review soon!) and I needed something lighter first but I plan on reading The Dragon Republic soon. I need to know what happened to my babies.

10. Otherworld – Jason Segel & Kirsten Miller

Candyce and I started this one quite a while ago for our little project we have yet to tell you about haha. And it’s time for me to finish it. I hope to do so in September, I have been looking forward to this one for quite a while and I’m being a baby haha.

11. Dreams of Gods and Monsters – Laini Taylor

Another one I did start already. It’s been a while since I read the first two books and I want to finish this one before I completely forget everything. I really enjoyed this world and told myself I wasn’t allowed to read Strange the Dreamer before finishing this series, so it’s about time I do so.

12. The Cruel Prince – Holly Black

I’m loosely participating in the Faerieathon so I plan on reading this one in October. This is such a hyped book and I have no idea where I’ll fall on the love-hate spectrum. I haven’t bought the sequel yet because of that reason, but if I do love it, it will be great to read the whole thing in one go.

13. This Is Our Story – Ashley Elston

I keep on planning to read this one every October I believe haha. But this October I really really want to do it! It’s seems like the perfect October read and I want to read this one so badly. Fingers crossed I’ll stick to my plan this time around.

14. Fence vol. 3 – C.S. Pacat

This one is almost out when I’m typing this and should be released once this post comes online. I adore this comic series so much and I’m looking forward to this new volume since the second I flipped the page in the second volume and realized they left me hanging there!

15. Tunnel of Bones – Victoria Schwab

Like I said, I adore Victoria and I really enjoyed City of Ghosts. It was such a fun ghost story, and pretty creepy too! I’m really looking forward to this sequel and might’ve add this to my October TBR as well haha.

16. Wayward Son – Rainbow Rowell

I couldn’t resist preordering the most gorgeous edition ever through Waterstones. It doesn’t match my edition of Carry On at all but I don’t care haha. I might also reread Carry On as it’s been forever since I read that one.

17. The Cheerleaders – Kara Thomas

Another October read haha. Candyce and I plan on buddyreading this one in October and I really hope we will do so. I enjoyed Kara Thomas’s Little Monsters a lot and can’t wait to see what this one will bring.

18. Stiletto – Daniel O’Malley

The Rook was such a pleasant surprise last year and I have been wanting to read the sequel ever since. I’m currently hooked on the tv show and will pick up Stiletto afterward. Hopefully I can still remember the differences between the book and the show haha.

19. One Bad Witch – Danielle Garrett

Yay, I was so happy to find this one on Storytel. I adore the Beechwood Manor Murder Mystery series and this is the latest release. Might be another October read or maybe a late September one. This is just a really fun series and I can’t wait to be back in Beechwood.

20. The City of Brass – S.A. Chakraborty

I recently bought this one and the sequel second hand and they look gorgeous! This is an adult fantasy and I think it will take me awhile to read the 500+ pages but I’m positive I will enjoy it. I think this will be one of the last ones I’ll pick up later in the year but I do hope to do so before the end of 2019.

These are the 20 books I hope to read before the end of the year! Do you make lists like this for yourself? And have you read any of the books on my list? Let me know in the comments!

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