Show Sunday| Anticipated Fall 2019 Shows

Besides books, TV shows are another thing I can’t get enough of. I really need an extra day a week just to keep up with my reading and show, haha. We’re slowly heading to the end of the summer which means that networks have announced what shows will be airing in the Fall. So I decided it was time to make a list of my anticipated Fall 2019 shows.

Hopefully I don’t find too many, because a lot of the ones I love are returing this fall. So let’s take a look!

All Rise – I love law shows and the inner workings of a courthouse sounds like something I need more of.

Prodigal Son – Another criminal show, but one where the main character is good at helping, because his own father was a serial killer. That could get very interesting!

Nancy Drew – I read quite a few of these books when I was younger and loved them. I am excited to see how the CW turns this into a show. They’ve been doing a lot of things I’ve loved the last few years, so I am excited!

I think for the moment that I’ll stick with these three. Batwoman is another one that’s releasing this Fall, but I’m sure Isabelle will also want to talk about that one next week. What new TV shows are you looking forward to that I should check out? Let me know in the comments.

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